Fatal (Portland Street Kings Book 2)

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Book: Fatal (Portland Street Kings Book 2) by Evie Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evie Harper
when we knew you, you’d help your dad out in the garage so I just figured you could help me?” 
    I sigh and throw my arm out. “May as well, not much else to do around here. Lead the way.” 
    “Thanks, you’ll be saving our asses on this. Shit’s gone downhill since Della’s been in the hospital.” 
    A pang of guilt stabs at my chest since it’s my brother who put her there. It doesn’t take me long to find what Pacer needs. Della has kept everything up-to-date and their ordering system is the same one we used at my dad’s garage. 
    I write down the details Pacer needs and while handing it to him, he thanks me, but his voice is drowned out by a roaring engine, thundering down the drive past the house. Pacer turns, his eyebrows furrowing, then relaxing when he views the orange Dodge Charger. He twists back to me and shoots me a smile before he takes his mobile and walks across the garage, obviously wanting quiet while he calls the suppliers.  
    I keep watch as the Dodge stops in the garage parking lot and a man unfolds from the car. The dark blond hair poking out from underneath the backward baseball cap gives away who it is straight away. Kelso shuts the car door and begins walking to the garage. He spots me and winks.
    I can’t help but smile, the little brat was always the most flirtatious out of the Kings and damn has he grown up. His tight-fitting tank and jeans show how he’s changed from the small, scrawny kid he used to be, to the muscles-in-all-the-right-places and tattoo-covered arms man he is now.
    My eyes are on Kelso walking toward me when I hear the back screen door slam closed. However, I don’t have time to look because Kelso picks me up and swings me around in a tight hug. I squeal in surprise but realize I shouldn’t. These guys were never mean or rude to me, they’re some of the kindest people I’ve ever met if you don’t get on their bad side that is. The last few years have changed how we all view each other. But it seems when we come back together, nothing has really changed at all… well, for all except one.
    Kel places me down, steps back, and sweeps his gaze up and down my body with a mischievous grin. “Slater said you’d changed, babe, but he didn’t say you’d gotten sexier. Who fucking knew it was possible?”
    My cheeks stretch into a wide smile and I cross my arms over my chest. “I could say the same to you. Got a few tattoos, hey?”
    Kelso smirks, stretches one arm out and glances to the artwork across his skin. “Gotta find something to do in this boring-ass town.”
    Suddenly, his smile dies and his brows rise. He nods toward the house and asks, “They weren’t too hard on you last night?”
    I shrug, place my hands on my hips and reply in a matter-of-fact voice, “Nothing I can’t handle.”
    Kelso tips his head to the side, licks his lips and says, “I like this new Lana.” His tone sultry.
    I shake my head and laugh. “You haven’t changed a bit, Kelso.”
    I’m about to tell Kelso to clear off when a deep, gravelly voice says, “For fuck’s sake, get a room you two.”
    My heart squeezes painfully at Mack’s words. He thinks so little of me.
    Kelso’s eyes narrow for a moment and then a slow smile builds. He places his palms up in the air. “Sorry brother didn’t realize you’d made a claim.”
    “He hasn’t.”
    “I haven’t.” 
    I lower my chin and stare at the ground, wishing the earth would eat me whole. Six days. I can get through them, it’s not like my heart wasn’t ripped to shreds before I arrived. How could I possibly leave any worse? 
    Heavy footsteps are heard behind me, but not getting closer, they’re moving further away. I peer up to Kelso, who’s standing next to me with a frown. 
    As the screen door squeaks open and closed, quietly this time, Kelso glances to me. “I knew there was history between you two.” 
    Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I press my lips together and peer around the garage.

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