All's Fairy in Love and War (Avalon: Web of Magic #8)

Read Online All's Fairy in Love and War (Avalon: Web of Magic #8) by Rachel Roberts - Free Book Online

Book: All's Fairy in Love and War (Avalon: Web of Magic #8) by Rachel Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Roberts
and allow me to say I am shocked by this most unseemly behavior.”
    “Whoa, what are you?” Kara blurted.
    “We are designed to serve the Fairy Princess,” the silver comb said proudly. “My name is Angelo.”
    “What if that’s not her?” the clamshell mirror wailed, and snapped shut.
    “Of course it’s she, Mirabelle!” the green brush shouted at the mirror, exasperated.
    “Well, yeah, I guess I am, that is…” the blazing star stammered, twirling the diamond bright unicorn jewel between her fingers. “My name is Kara, and this is Goldie.”
    “We’ve been waiting one hundred and twenty-five years to serve a Fairy Princess! I’m so happy I could cry!” Mirabelle started bawling.
    An atomizer spray bottle shaped like a skunk shuffled along the table. “I am Whiffle, and I shall make you smell divine.” The glass skunk squirted an amazingly lush perfume from his nose.
    The brush pushed the atomizer away, hopping up and down on her handle. “Can’t you see the princess needs immediate attention?”
    “Skirmish, calm down,” the mirror sighed. “That’s why we’re here.”
    Kara self-consciously ran fingers through her tangled tresses. “It’s been, like, hours since I even brushed my hair.”
    The accessories gasped in horror.
    “Tell me about it,” she said.
    “This is no way to welcome our new princess!” Angelo scolded the others, trying to move them back in an orderly line. “Forgive them for not following protocol, Princess Kara, but Queen Selinda ordered us into service on such short notice.”
    Puffdoggie hopped up and down excitedly, sending sparkling powder flying.
    Oh, this is great, Kara thought. Locked away in a tree house with a bunch of enchanted toiletries! Could things get any stranger?
    Thwap! Bonk!
    Without warning, a scraggly, bespectacled flying creature zoomed through the open window, smacked into the far wall, and landed in a crumpled heap on the floor.
    “Oh!” Kara rushed over and kneeled by the creature. “Are you all right?”
    It looked vaguely like an owl, with a combination of dark gray fur and moss green feathers. Long floppy ears drooped forward, half-covering luminous yellow eyes.
    Goldie immediately stepped between it and Kara.
    The bird straightened his small glasses. Dazed yellow eyes wobbled and then focused sharply on the dragonfly. “You are the Fairy Princess Kara?” he demanded querulously.
    Goldie pointed at Kara.
    “Oh.” The bird reached into a leather shoulder pouch and withdrew a rolled-up piece of black parchment tied with a dark purple ribbon. “I had to try three windows before I found this one!” the creature huffed, struggling to his feet and handing Kara the scroll.
    “Thank you, um…” Kara began. “Who are you?”
    “Alwyn, Secret Fairy Air Delivery, Second Division,” the creature supplied, then continued his complaints. “Royal deliveries are most difficult. You never know what kind of fairy guards are out there!”
    “Would you like something to drink?” Kara gestured to a table on the opposite side of the room, piled high with brightly colored fruits and a large bowl of sparkling purple liquid.
    “Don’t mind if I do,” Alwyn grumbled, heaving himself into the air. He landed with a giant splash in the middle of the punch bowl and sighed happily. “Ooo, that feels good.”
    The enchanted accessories gathered around as Kara slipped the ribbon off the parchment and carefully unrolled it. Glowing purple and silver calligraphy shimmered from the black paper:
    “A party!” Skirmish shrieked, falling off the table in her excitement.
    “That’s no ordinary party, it’s a fairy rave!” Whiffle cried eagerly.
    “Yaaaay!” The toiletries all jumped up and down, Puffdoggy joyfully releasing clouds of powder.
    “Who sent this?” Kara asked the strange bird.
    “Turn it over,” Alwyn answered, floating on his back and

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