Rend Hope
going to be close…
                  Two deputies were deep in conversation as they walked down a seemingly deserted hallway in the Sheriff's office.  Their conversation was interrupted when they heard an explosion from the interrogation room, which was just ahead of them.  The hallway shook violently for a few moments and a cloud of dust shot out from under the interrogation room's door.
                  "Looks like the sheriff is at it again." The first deputy said with a sigh.
                  "Yeah.  Can't he have a normal interrogation for once? I'm sure the carpenters are getting tired of fixing that damn room." The second deputy complained, the first deputy jerked his thumb in the direction they came from.
                  "Come on, let’s just pretend we didn't hear or say anything.  I don't want to be the one to break this to the mayor, or worse, the carpenters." And with that the two deputies took off whence they came and no one was the wiser.
                  Quiet once again settled in the interrogation room.  Marie slowly lowered her arms from her face and reopened her eyes to see that the wall behind and to the right of Markus had a huge hole in it, exposing an empty storage room.  The dust was slowly dissipating and as she looked back toward the two men she saw that both of them were now standing.  Kendal still had his golden revolver trained on Markus, who had his hands in the pockets of his flannel jacket.
                  “I don’t think that was a question.” Markus said, a touch of humor on his voice.  Kendal sighed in response.
                  “That didn’t quite go how I hoped.” The sheriff replied in a bored tone, Marie looked at him in dismay.
                  “And just how was shooting Markus going to go as you hoped?” The teenage girl asked.
                  “Well….” Kendal started, “Half of me suspected that you were far more than the ‘Ordinary’ Magi you claimed to be to my deputies.”
                  Markus raised an eyebrow, “And what about the other half?”
                  “Well that was hoping you would’ve eaten that blast and died, so that I wouldn’t have to spend all my free time concerning myself with you.” Kendal answered.
                  “Glad you’ve got your priorities straight.” Markus said, the sheriff gave a little shrug in response.
                  "I have to admit, it was pretty slick of you to deflect my blast like that." Kendal stated, Markus had a smirk on his face.
                  "Yeah well, magi acting as sheriffs make me jumpy." The blonde magi replied, Kendal's smirk mirrored his.
                  "Heh.  What gave me away that I was a magi?" The sheriff asked.
                  "Well besides the nice big hole in the wall behind me.  I'd say it was that shiny revolver of yours.  It's obviously not a normal gun, but I can't figure out whether it generates the power for those blasts on its own or if it draws it from you directly." Markus told him, the sheriff's smirk turned into a smile.
                  "I guess the only way for you to find out is with further trial and error."  Kendal announced, before Marie could protest, he was firing his revolver once more.  Markus responded by pushing off his left foot, dodging to his right.  The "Ordinary" Magi then leapt onto the wall and used it to springboard away from a second blast fired by the trigger-happy sheriff.
                  Marie was once again covering herself to protect against the flying debris and dust from the two revolver blasts.  She was not pleased at how this debriefing and interrogation was proceeding.  Why did all the guys she know always have to try and solve everything with violence?
                  As Markus landed

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