Fatal (Portland Street Kings Book 2)

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Book: Fatal (Portland Street Kings Book 2) by Evie Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evie Harper
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your own.” 
    My eyes grow wide and I gasp at the possessive words Mack allows to slip out. “You were jealous?” Kelso was right?  
    “What, Dove, don’t think I still find you attractive? I do. You’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. And now with that feisty mouth of yours, my cock aches to be inside you, begging me to shut my damn mouth and tell you everything I need to, to have you one last time.” 
    “Mack,” I murmur, wanting to talk about this. He wants me as much as I crave him. There has to be a way for us to move on from the past. 
    “But I don’t fuck cheaters or selfish bitches.” 
    His words don’t just sting this time, it’s as if his very touch is searing my skin, burning the words into my body like a brand. 
    I push Mack off me. “I hate you,” I seethe. 
    “No, baby, you hate that you love me.” Mack turns and begins walking out of the kitchen, but before he’s out the door, he lays his final blow. “Feeling’s mutual.”

Chapter Five


    Under the covers of Della’s blanket, I bring my knees to my chin and curl my body up tight. The heat of the mid-morning sun shines through the window and onto the bed, causing a light sheen of sweat on the back of my neck, but I refuse to push the covers off and face the day.  
    Day three, and still no word from Rex. How hard is it to decide to save your sister instead of feeding your revenge?  
    There’s a soft knock on the door. I stay silent hoping whoever it is will go away. All the guys except Mack have come in this morning trying to rouse me for breakfast. I refused to move or talk.  
    I hate being here, loathe being near Mack, and I won’t go home unless my brother shows me I’m more important than a vendetta. I need Rex to choose me. It seems ridiculous, me wanting my brother to give up on getting justice for our father’s murder, but then no one would ever understand as they haven’t walked my path. However, my brother saw it all. I hope deep down that he sees I’m worth more than my father ever thought I was. I pray my brother doesn’t follow in my father’s footsteps.  
    My body stills at the creak of the bedroom door opening. If it’s Mack this time, and if he utters a word to me, I may just jump out of this bed and scratch his eyes out with my nails. That’s how explosive I’m feeling today.  
    “Lana,” Piper’s gentle voice causes me to groan out loud. Damn. They sent in the one person I won’t ignore.  
    I push the blanket back and blow out a breath to get the loose hair off my face. “They’re evil.”  
    Piper giggles. “Yes, they are. However, it did take them two hours to figure it out. I enjoyed watching them try to work out how to get a woman out of bed who isn’t their sister.”  
    I smile. “That does make me feel better.”
    Piper sits on the edge of the bed. “You do need to get up though, Della wants to see you. So we’re all going to the hospital.”  
    My heart accelerates and my stomach churns. I laugh awkwardly. “What, she wants to grill me for Rex attacking the Kings and blame me for all the terrible things he’s done? I’m really not in the mood to be told off by anyone right now.”  
    “No,” Piper says quickly. “Della doesn’t blame you for what happened to her, no one does.”  
    Clutching my stomach, I’m feeling ill. Seeing the woman my father hurt, witnessing the pain in the eyes of someone who used to be my friend, how can I face her?  
    “Okay, I’ll get up and dress.” My voice is almost a whisper.
    Piper stands from the bed. She offers me an understanding nod and a sad smile.  
    I hate that look. “I don’t need you to pity me. I’m a big girl, I’ll get through this day like I have any other.”  
    Growing up I always felt people pitied me more than they liked me. Up until recently, it’s how I thought Mack must have felt. He was sorry for the poor, tormented girl, and he may have seen some of himself in me. But not

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