Tracing Holland (NSB Book 2)

Read Online Tracing Holland (NSB Book 2) by Alyson Santos - Free Book Online

Book: Tracing Holland (NSB Book 2) by Alyson Santos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyson Santos
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enough existing ones in unique ways to at least create new experiences,
new progressions that still give me chills when I find that perfect
combination. This is my home, these moments, and the only time I feel safe,
like I’m actually ok.
    The shyness returns as the song comes
to an end, and I clear my throat with an awkward smile. I realize I’d gotten
wrapped up in the moment, and wonder what she must think of me. I rise from the
bench without a word and return the guitar to its case so I don’t have to look
at her and confront her reaction.
    “That was beautiful, Luke,” she says
quietly behind me. “What was it?”
    I swallow and snap the latches on the
case. “I don’t know exactly. Something my father used to play all the time. He
called it the ‘Sorrow Song’ but I’m not sure why.”
    “It’s amazing. You’re freaking amazing,” she adds, and I have no choice but to
look at her now. I almost wish I’d risked rudeness at the expression in her
    “Thanks. I’ve spent a lot of hours
fooling around on a guitar.”
    “That’s pretty obvious. You’re mind-blowing
when you play. Like, seriously, remarkable. I guess the rumors aren’t
    I feel the heat start to rise in me,
and have to look away again. “Well, let’s hope some of the others are,” I joke,
trying to deflect the attention and lighten the mood.
    I’m pretty sure she knows what I’m
doing, but lets me go with a grin. “I guess we’ll have
to see.”


    We exchange a smile at our signature greeting.
    “Is this seat taken?” she asks, setting her plate across
from me.
    I smile. “Does it even matter?”
    She grins back. “Nope.”
    I shake my head and motion for her to sit.
    “Where’s Case?” I ask, and snicker at her annoyed grunt.
    “Who knows. He was in the back
working on Penchant stuff when I left the bus, so I doubt we’ll see him until
call-time. I just hope he at least takes a shower and eats something,” she
    I laugh. “Bring something back for him. He can clean up in
the sink on the bus.”
    She gives me a look. “Not a chance. There’s no way I’m
rewarding this behavior.”
    “Ok, sorry! It was just a suggestion!” I smirk, holding up
my hands in surrender. I focus back on my lunch, relieved
it’s just us and a few crewmembers at the moment. I miss my conversations with
Callie. She has this way of looking inside you when she’s there, turning the
conversation into more than just words. Those first few days at Jemma’s ...she rewired my life with her piercing engagement.
I love spending time with her, being in her calming presence, and we haven’t
had many opportunities for that these last couple weeks. So yeah, I’m annoyed
when she ruins our rare moment alone by bringing up the one topic that can
unhinge me.
    “How are things with Holland?”
    I stare over at her in surprise, maybe irritation. “Huh?”
    She rolls her eyes. “Come on. She’s like the one person in
the universe who can understand every aspect of your being. The
spotlight, the pressure, the music, everything. You two must be hitting
it off. If you haven’t yet, you need to get on that, like, yesterday.”
    I shake my head in disbelief. “None of your damn business,”
I return lightly.
    She rolls her eyes with a smile. “Whatever. She’s hot, too.
Like, smokin ’. You can’t do any better, Luke.”
    My eyes widen, and she only shrugs.
    “What? She is! She’s sweet, and smart, and talented, and…”
    “Callie, please. It’s not happening, ok?”
    “What’s not?”
    “Whatever it is you’re trying to make happen. It’s not going
to happen.”
    She huffs and glares at her plate. “I’m not trying to make
anything happen. You know I wouldn’t rush you. I just…” She stops and glances
back up at me, all the humor gone from her face. “I just hope you’re going to
be fair to yourself, that’s all.”
    Her words hit me hard. “Fair? What are

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