The Case of the Vanishing Beauty

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Book: The Case of the Vanishing Beauty by Richard S. Prather Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard S. Prather
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the other end. I wait a while, then I look around. Madre de Dios!There she is. Looking in at me. She is like a fat volcano. She opens the door and says what am I doing. I start to hang up, but she grabs it out of my hand and pulls me outside. Then she yells, 'Pedro!' he is a waiter—and he runs over. She is frowning very much and she says, 'Pedro, go to the office and talk on my phone.' He goes off and she listens a while, then hangs up the phone and looks at me very fiercely and goes away. That is all."
    I swallowed. "That's all, huh? Honey, I'm afraid I made you stick your pretty little neck right in it. I'm sorry as hell."
    "But I was glad to help you?'
    "Yeah. And the next thing, Miguel tries to stick a knife in you. How'd it happen?"
    She pulled her lips back from flashing white teeth. "That Miguel!" she hissed. "I will fix him, myself, for what he has done. Ay! Es un perro y va a morir! Le sacaré los ojos con las uñas! Lo mataré! Voy a—"
    "Whoa! Slow down. How'd it happen?"
    "Caramba! Well, you have seen the act." She grinned. "You were part of it, remember? You know how it is. The act is over, then there, is one more knife to be thrown. Always that gusano, he waves his arms and bows, and then he throws the knife. It is all planned. But this time, he does not bow. He turns fast and throws the knife. I see him turn. He has seemed to be strange, and I have been watching him. I jump fast and I hit the knife handles that are stuck, but his knife, it cuts me here." She touched the bandage on her side. "I was so scared. To death I was scared."
    I looked at her. "You poor kid. And I was the damn fool that almost got you killed. I'll take care of Miguel for you, honey."
    "You ponch him for me."
    "Yeah. I'll ponch him for both of us." I thought about it for a minute. "Lina, if that knife had been a little farther over, or if you hadn't jumped fast enough, it would've looked like an accident. Just a slip, a mistake."
    "But it was luck," she said. "It was not serious."
    I didn't say so, but I thought it was serious. Serious for Miguel."
    "Enough,' she said suddenly. "It is enough talk. Come." She patted the cushions beside her. "Come sit by me."
    I slid over beside her. She said, "Put your arm over my shoulders. I wish to say something to you."
    I put my arm around her. She didn't have to ask me twice. She probably wouldn't have to ask me anything twice.
    She said, "For you only did I fool with the fat one. And foryou was the knife thrown at me. I think you should kiss me."
    As I said, she wouldn't have to ask me anything twice. I set my drink on the coffee table in front of the divan, put my other arm around her, and pulled her close. She kissed me as if she was dying and it was the last kiss she'd ever get.
    Me? I was living.
    She leaned her head back on my arm and sighed. "Ah, querido. I like you. I like you Very much. You like me, no?"
    "I like you, yes."
    "That is better. I like you better this way, querido."
    I kissed her again. She died again. This could lead to a deathbed scene. I said, "Lina, this querido. What it is?"
    "It means 'darling,' or 'my dearest.'"
    "Oh? I'm your dearest now."
    Softly, very softly, she said, "Yes. You are my dearest."
    Minutes later I said, "Honey, I can't stick around. I've still got things to do. Things that have to be done."
    "You can do nothing now." She grabbed my arm and looked at my watch. "It is two o'clock and half an hour. In the morning. Do it," she smiled slowly, "mañana."
    I shook my head. "Look. When I leave I'll tell the clerk no one comes up here. The place is empty. Nobody comes up but me. I'll take the key and keep it with me. Don't say anything if there's a knock at the door unless you're positive it's me. Answer the phone if it rings, but don't say anything unless you get proof it's me on the other end. There's food in the kitchen, so you stay put. Right here. In other words, talk to nobody but me. Got it?"
    "Nobody but you, Shell." Her fingers played with the middle

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