Evince Me
they charged onto the territory. It was complete mayhem the way
they attacked, as wolves jumped on wolves. The terrifying sounds of
snarls ripping through the air followed by a chorus of whimpers and
howls of pain.
    Shutting my eyes tightly I prayed for the safety
of our guys. Please don't let any of them get seriously hurt! Anya
reassured me, she'd stay by Marco's side to make sure he was ok.
She told me she'd kick my butt if I got hurt.
    Reopening my eyes, I watched as Tristan, Rico,
Alonso, Troy, Andre, and Luke snapped with precision, each wolf's
neck they came in contact with. Scary how good they are at going
for the kill, but it's how they were raised...Alpha's and
    Movement coming from the back of Marco's house
diverted my attention away from the battle before us as I watched
Maria and two of the men that helped in my kidnapping trying to
sneak off into the night. Like hell she's getting away. They were
far away enough from the fighting to be considered not in the
danger zone, so Tristan couldn't really get mad at me for breaking
my promise.
    'Guys we need to get to her
before she escapes.' I looked between Axel and Max.
Their ears perked up as they attention focused on what I was
staring at. Nodding his head once, Axel led the way as we descended
the mountain.
    I already planned my method of attack. I wanted
to look that bitch straight in the eye and tell her exactly what I
felt about her before I killed her. We closed the distance between
us, approaching Maria and her goons from behind.
    Shifting back to human form behind a few trees I
threw on Tristan's T-shirt that he made me bring along with me.
Yummy it smells like him. "Must be nice to run away, not having a
care in the world about your son." I sneered staring at the poor
excuse of a woman in front of me.
    Maria is the true definition of a woman scorned,
pathetic. She spun around on her heels and glared at me through
wide eyes. Why was she so surprised to see me? "Y-you!" She
stuttered in shock. "You're supposed to be dead, Marco agreed to
kill you!" She shouted disbelievingly shaking her head in
    Suddenly tears welled up in her eyes as she
thought of something. Next thing I knew the bitch was charging
towards me with her two goons at her sides. "Where's Marco? Where's
my son?" She cried out shifting on the spot.
    Axel and Max intercepted her bodyguards, while I
quickly peeled off the shirt and shifted too. Evil witch thought we
killed Marco? Now she wants to play the woe is me poor mother I am
for losing my only son card?
    Maria came barreling into me knocking me off my
feet as her sharp canines snapped viciously at my face. Damn this
bitch is strong, but my will is stronger. I thought as I flipped to
the side throwing her off me.
    We circled each other carefully, she was
breathing heavily trying to plan her next move whereas I already
knew where I was going to chomp down on...her neck and snap it
clean in two. There would be no more manipulating of Marco, no more
would she have the pleasure of calling herself my dad's wife nor a
part of the Manzanares pack.
    Hearing a yelp from one of her bodyguards being
killed by Axel caused her to lose focus for just a split second. It
was a grave decision on her part as I leapt in the air and closed
in on the kill. Suddenly I had second thoughts of killing her
    With all the pain she's caused, this
disgusting vile creature deserved to die slowly. I knocked Maria
down to the ground tearing a chunk out of her
back... 'that's for Mia's love that you
killed.' Standing up on my hind legs, I used my front
paws to claw her clear across the face, 'that's for being a crappy mom to Marco!'
    Time for the final move , 'This is for my sister Mia!' I bit down hard
on Maria's neck, instantly tasting her bitter blood in my mouth as
I ripped a huge chunk out of her leaving a gaping hole. It was
enough to be fatal, but not enough to kill

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