Sweet Seduction Surrender
wrists, pushing them purposefully into the pillow at my head. One warm hand wrapped around my thigh as he pulled my leg out to allow him a better position at my apex.
    Then with one erotic sounding groan he thrust himself inside. Filling me up, stealing my breath, and all sense and any ability to speak. I moaned, as he began to move with a speed that seemed impossible. I wasn't sure if he was still angry with me or the situation, and his pace and fervent movements were a by-product of that. Or if, like me, he just could not get enough of the person before him.
    It didn't matter, it was too late to analyse this. It was a thunderous storm rolling out between us, uncontrollable, unstoppable. Inescapable. Maybe it had always been inevitable that he would end up in my bed and I would welcome him with open arms. Maybe this was fate. I didn't care. He felt so good. So right. He matched every move of mine as though coordinated. Where I was soft, he was firm. He moulded to my body as though he was made for me.
    We met in a fluid movement of flesh on flesh. Slick skin against evermore slick skin. It was delicious. He used every available inch of the bed, rolling us, thrusting so firmly that we hopped across the covers with each pound inside. It was invigorating, shocking yet exciting. Every single touch he made sent adrenaline coursing through me. But his dedication to the task was what surprised me the most. He sought every single gasp from my lips as though it was gold. Every single writhe he hunted down with single minded determination. Each moan was doggedly pursued. Each orgasm, and there were more than one, was fervently chased with a level of passion I could not have guessed existed in this world.
    He was exactly how I had imagined he would be. The moment was hard, fast, powerful. Everything Jason Cain had always appeared to be; hard, fast and powerful . And I greedily took every single thing he offered.
    We both came together in the end spectacularly. Neither able to contain our responses in that moment, to hide our reaction to this incredibly intense coupling. We lay panting, still wrapped up in each other's arms, still floating on a blissful cloud of release.
    And then he started laughing. A delicious rumbling sound from deep inside his chest.
    "That was entirely unexpected," he murmured, laying a soft kiss against my neck. "But not at all unwelcome."
    I didn't know what to say to that. I suddenly felt very awkward. It had happened so quickly. An out of control explosion of lust. I was embarrassed to admit all thought had left me. In the heat of the moment I had forgotten every warning Nick had said, every logical reason that had existed proving this was a very bad idea.
    My body had just acted. My response was ingrained; an animalistic reaction to his advances. Similar to those blasted zebras last night on TV. I hadn't acted at all like the Katie Anscombe everyone knows. I'd lived a little. I'd tasted life. I'd taken a risk.
    Jason had drawn that from me, even when I had been so sure that he never, ever could. I felt shocked, totally astounded, stupefied by what I had let transpire. And consequently scared out of my wits for what would happen next. A line had been crossed, so recklessly . And now he would throw it in my face, be the player Nick said he was.
    But he didn't pull away.
    His hand was idly stroking down my side, over my hip and back up my stomach. His eyes were hungrily soaking up every inch of my naked skin. Devouring every curve and dip. His fingers felt hot and slightly rough. His breath was still uneven, but it had nothing to do with the exercise we'd just had. Instead it was entirely because of me... lying before him, available to his touch.
    His deep chocolate brown eyes came up to hold my gaze.
    "What are you thinking, Kate?" he asked softly. Such an unexpected show of consideration from him.
    I licked my lips, my eyes darting all over his face to see if I had missed something. If the smirk was about to

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