Evince Me
    Maria crumbled to the ground in a heap as blood
squirted out her wound and she quickly bled out. Shifting back to
human form, I put my shirt back on just as Max finished killing the
other goon. I kneeled down next to her dying frame and leaned in
    Her breathing was labored as she lay there
looking up at me helplessly from the corner of her eyes. "The last
face you'll see before you die is identical to that of the innocent
girl you single handedly killed. Remember her face as you burn in
hell for what you've done." I spat out as I watched Maria take her
last breath.

Chapter 8: Brand New

    We managed to eliminate a majority of the rabid
pack outside before getting a hold of their Beta Julio. He was
inside the pack house with the wolves that decided against fighting
for Maria. Julio never saw eye to eye with Marco's way of running
the pack after losing his mind, but being his best friend he stood
loyally by Marco's side.
    Just because he stood by Marco's side as his
Beta, didn't mean that Julio or any of the other wolves had to
listen to Maria or follow any of her commands. For some strange
reason she had her own little cult of followers, what I deemed to
be the 'bitter about love' clan.
    A few of Marco's wolves decided since she was
Marco's mom they had a duty of sorts to protect her, but those were
the unwise wolves. Protecting evil wouldn't get them any brownie
points in Marco's pack. It would only sentence them to an early
death...as you can all see.
    Rico shifted to human form and notified Julio we
had Marco and that he was safe now that we've eliminated Maria from
the picture. Upon hearing the news that 'ding dong the witch is
dead', Julio called off the wolves. It was like a switch was
flicked and suddenly the pack ceased their fighting, just like
    After an extremely long steamy shower to loosen
my tense muscles, I managed to fall asleep in Tristan's arms.
However that was short-lived as I was disturbed from my peaceful
dormancy by the sounds of Marco's agonizing screams of pain which
seemed to echo down the hall.
    Each wail that escaped his lips managed to cause
a spasm in my chest, like a dagger to my heart. My body reacted
before my mind registered what was going on as I jumped frantically
awake in Tristan's arms.
    Tristan was spooning me from behind, having just
got in a few hours ago from the epic battle...all of us were filled
with exhaustion. His muscular arms coiled around my waist holding
me securely against him, as he cooed into the top of my head. "Its
alright baby, just let him be."
    The simple vibrations of his chest against my
back with words of reassurance managed to settle my bundle of
nerves as I snuggled into him. "Is he ok, what's going on?" I
whispered turning in Tristan's arms to tuck my face into his
    Tristan's lips caressed my forehead as his warm
minty breath washed over my face. "He had to shift back to human
form so his bones could reset properly. More than likely he's
feeling the effects of his broken arms, legs, and ribs resetting.
It'll be over soon, I promise."
    Tilting my head upwards to stare into the same
smoky eyes I've grown accustomed getting lost in, I needed to be
sure Tristan was serious when he meant it'd be over soon. I don't
think my heart could take much more of hearing Marco's cries. I
really wanted to go and hold Marco's hand to reassure him
everything would be fine, but by the way Tristan had his arms
locked around me in a vice grip. I'm pretty sure he didn't plan on
letting me go any time soon.
    "The doctor and Julio are in the room there's
nothing you can do for him, but let nature take it's course."
Tristan stated with a pointed look, giving me a slight nod to make
sure I understood. "He's gonna be fine."
    All time froze while we lay there enchanted in
one another's presence. Tristan's eyes roamed across my face in a
loving manner as a sneaky smirk tugged at the corner of his

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