Evince Me
"There's something you could do for me though." He teased softly,
the way his eyes lit up playfully tugged at my heart strings.
    "Oh yea? What would that be?" I breathed out in
a hoarse whisper, my heart pounding against my chest at a staccato
pace. I'm pretty sure you guys would be just as nervous when
perfection is staring you straight in the face.
    "Promise me you'll stop blaming yourself." His
voice was deep and husky sending chills up my spine. He knows me
too damn well. "It's not your fault, never was." Was I blaming
myself for Marco getting hurt? Deep down inside I knew none of it
really had to do with me, but I couldn't help but feel guilty.
    Tristan's face moved closer to my own as his
lips captured mine in a soft passionate kiss. For a split second I
forgot that it's been four days since I've last been in his arms.
The softness of Tristan's tongue brushed against mine as it delved
into my mouth.
    My hands were placed firmly on his chest while
we faced one another. Tristan''s left hand slithered under my body,
wrapping around my back and pulling me impossibly closer as his
right hand tangled into the back of my hair.
    He let out a throaty moan as our legs tangled
together, Tristan rolled so that he was hovering on top of me.
That's when a knock sounded on the door interrupting our moment of
intimacy. "Who is it?" I couldn't hold back the smile from my lips
as Tristan growled out rather annoyed.
    "It's Lonso, is Lise awake? Marco's calling out
for her." Alonso's voice carried through the locked door.
Childishly Tristan rolled his eyes and let out a disappointed sigh
while he rolled off me, but not before he gave me another peck on
the lips. Standing up from the bed, I made my way over to the door
and unlocked it.
    My brother stood there with a guilty expression
pasted on his face, I'm pretty sure my messed up bed hair gave away
what we were in the process of doing! Chewing down on his bottom
lip fighting back a smirk, Lonso uttered quickly. "Sorry."
    I followed Lonso down the hall towards the guest
room where Marco was. "Is he awake?" I asked timidly glancing over
at my brother. In a way I wanted Marco to have a speedy recovery,
but then again I was worried how he'd react when we told him I
killed his Mother.
    Would he fly off the handle again and go on a
rampage? After all he was a Mama's boy, so there's no telling what
the future holds. Shaking his head slightly, Lonso offered a small
smile. "He's been in and out of consciousness. When he woke up this
last time, he called out for you."
    Why would he call out for me of all people?
Opening up the door I was faced with pack doctor along with Julio
who was standing off to the side. Julio's face held concern for the
condition of his best friend.
    "The worst of it's over now." The doctor
announced to no one in particular. "His wounds have all healed up
nicely, all the bones reset properly, now all he needs is rest." I
was grateful to hear the good news. Staring down at Marco's
sleeping form, he looked good as new. Now let's just hope his
mindset is the same.
    With that said the doctor, Julio, and Lonso
decided it would be best if they left me in the room with Marco,
alone. What may have possessed them to do such an outrageous thing
is beyond me. Who says he's not gonna wake up and blame me for his
    As I sat in a chair next to the bed, he seemed
so peaceful. Feeling guilty for what Tristan and my brothers did to
him, I picked up his hand in my own and held it. "I'm so sorry for
what happened to you." I mumbled quietly as my eyes began filling
with tears.
    I know I promised Tristan I would stop blaming
myself, which I did...but that didn't mean I couldn't be sorry.
"You don't owe me an apology Princesa." Marco's voice croaked, his
eyes remaining closed and his breathing was steady. The only thing
that proved to me I wasn't hearing things was the tiny squeeze of
his hand against mine.
    Marco's eyes

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