Empress of Wolves

Read Online Empress of Wolves by J. Aislynn d' Merricksson - Free Book Online

Book: Empress of Wolves by J. Aislynn d' Merricksson Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Aislynn d' Merricksson
Regal Oaks, sharing space with Royal Pines and Imperial Holly.
    Kalla grew still as she entered the grove, crossing over the small bridge that spanned the burbling river. This place felt as the Deep Forest did. Immeasurably old and sacred. Without being told, the group stopped at the fringes of the trees, even the Clerics. Kalla paid them no heed, as the Song began to fill her blood. Settling herself at the base of an immense oak, she closed her eyes and began to play.
    Time stood still, or so it seemed to the Fox, as his mage played. He saw that the others were as captivated as he was by the haunting music. A slight rustling sound joined the sound of flute and water. Aleister's breathe caught as he realized that the noise came from the trees themselves. The branches swayed gently, though there was no breeze here to cause such and it seemed to him that if he didn't look directly at them, he could just make out the forms of androgynous figures
the trees.
    A sensation of being watched prickled his sharpened sensitivities and it was without surprise that he found there were now
all around the grove. Most stayed on the fringes of the trees, across the way from the Emperor's group. A few came as far as Kalla and two even came to where he stood, watching him with sly, knowing eyes.
    The Healer's music wound to a close and as it did so the trees rustled louder, then stilled suddenly. As if it were a cue the
darted away, disappearing into the darkness and safety of the trees. Kalla opened her eyes slowly. She could feel the difference in the air and knew that she had been successful. The Tree Lords were free now, to act once more in this realm.
    We thank you, Lady Amaraaq,
a voice whispered in her mind, the sound of leaves in the wind.
    She smiled.
You are welcome, Great Ones.
The Healer rose to her feet and walked to where the others stood. Looks of awe greeted her and there were tears damp on the cheeks of a few, Vander and Sykes among them. She frowned, looking at the War Mage with sharpening concern. He looked more withdrawn now than he had earlier.
    “That was beautiful, Lady kyl'Solidor,” the Emperor said softly, pulling her out of her thoughts. “I did not know you played the fox-flutes.”
    “I do not, Your Grace. This is the one and only time. I thank you for the compliment though,” she said with a small smile and handed the flutes to Zacharias. The young Cleric reverently wrapped them in a forest green cloth he had brought with him. The young Cleric departed with the flutes, leaving them in Jonas' care. The elder Cleric led the small group back to the conference room, where Owyn now waited with the trade agreements. Kalla and Sykes looked them over before each signed both sets of documents. Kalla tucked her copy into her robes and touched fist to heart.
    “I thank you, Emperor Sykes. I truly believe that both our peoples will benefit from this.”
    “And I, you, Empress Kalla. I have no doubt that we can learn from one another,' Sykes responded, returning the gesture.
    “Indeed. By your leave, Emperor, I will prepare a message to Aryff, Dashmuynin of the Blood Wolves. In the absence of myself or Vander kyl'Solidor, it is Aryff who serves as Regent,” Kalla said. Sykes nodded and Owyn went to retrieve paper and quill for the Healer. When she finished her letter, Kalla sealed it and turned it over to Admiral Karlgraffsson, with the admonition to send it ahead of the flagship.
    The evening wrapped up with a nice dinner of roast duck, giant
olives from Southern Argoth stuffed with sharp vykr cheese, potato dumplings and acorn bread with rowanberry jam. Kalla sighed and sat back, fully contented.
    “Emperor Sykes, may I ask an indulgence of you?” she asked. Sykes brow creased and he gave her a questioning nod.
    “I wish to travel to the Deep Forest. There is business that the Prince and I have there, at the Temple of Inari. I request permission for myself, Aleister, Vander, and

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