Empress of Wolves

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Book: Empress of Wolves by J. Aislynn d' Merricksson Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Aislynn d' Merricksson
assumed that there would be many more
bouts between the brothers before all was said and done.
    It took Kalla only a few seconds to fall asleep, safely wrapped in the Prince's arms. One by one, the others fell asleep. All but Vander, who lay awake, tossing and turning, restless with his task to come, yet grateful that he would not have to part company so soon from Kalla. Guilt wracked his thin frame, guilt and shame for his past and guilt for what must inevitably happen to his new magister. Vander would gladly pay the price needed to free Gasta, but he sorely wished that Kasai needn't pay it with him. However, what would be, would be. The War Mage finally shifted form and crawled near enough to press against Kalla's leg, where he soon joined the rest in slumber.

Skycity Argoth, 10000 ft. above the Aeryth Ocean, Year of the Mythril Serpent, 2014 CE
    Kalla sighed and shifted in her vykr's saddle. A feeling of déjà vu swept over her as they approached the town of Millan. The lights from the Dancing Bear Inn twinkled merrily in the deepening purple of twilight. Kalla stopped before the inn and slid from the shaggy beast's back, as several stableboys swarmed out to take their vykr. The Healer smiled as Pip ran up to her.
    “Welcome back, Lady Kalla!” He frowned at her for a moment. “You look different, Lady Mage. You have puppy ears. Are you in disguise?”
    “Hello again, Pip.” Kalla grinned. “You might say that, little one,” She waved an open palm through the air as if plucking something from it, then fanned coins out from her closed fist. “You know the drill, young one. Take good care of our vykr and you get another when we leave.” She placed one in the hand of each of the clustered stableboys, watching their eyes widen. A chorus of
dos mere
greeted her and the boys trundled off with the animals.
    Wylsin hurried forward, his face lighting up with recognition. A look of puzzlement flitted across his face momentarily as he took in her new look, but he made no comment on it.
    “Welcome back, Lady Mage, Master Balflear. You will be staying the night with us again?” he asked.
    “Yes, Master Wylsin. We've a large group this time. Do you have five rooms available? And dinner in the dining hall would be a blessing,” Kalla replied.
    “Yes, Lady Mage. We have more than enough rooms this night.” Wylsin's voice trailed off as he caught sight of Vander behind her and the innkeep's face grew cold and distant, but not before he gave Kalla a brief questioning look.
    “I think you will find Lord kyl'Solidor a much changed man, Master Wylsin,” Kalla said, soft enough that only Wylsin and Aleister heard her. The innkeeper's face softened and he nodded.
    Kalla glanced over her shoulder at the Dashmari and found him still withdrawn and distracted, as he had been since their escapade healing Sykes. Vander caught her gaze and blinked slowly. His eyes widened as recognition of the place hit him. Sorrow flitted across his face, followed by shame, but the War Mage buried these things as he gently pushed past her to face Wylsin.
    “Master Wylsin, when last I was here, I did you and yours a terrible injustice. I would apologize for my behavior and make what amends I can,” Vander said. Wylsin gave the thin Mage a measuring look. A moment's more consideration and Wylsin offered the War Mage a cheerful smile, noting that his customers were attending the group without seeming to pay them any mind. Wylsin's reaction ensured that the others would take no offense to the mage's presence.
    “Apology accepted, my Lord. Actually, there is something you can help with, if it be in your power. Yours or the Lady Kalla's. We have two housed here who have been attacked by sabre wolves. The beasts have grown more brazen. I know not why Gasta no longer keeps them at bay, but they have wandered this far from the Deep Forest and now attack travelers in broad daylight. Our physicker has done what she can, but the wounds have

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