Empress of Wolves

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Book: Empress of Wolves by J. Aislynn d' Merricksson Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Aislynn d' Merricksson
Kasai to travel thus. Lord kyl'Malkador and Sir Lukas as well, if they so wish. Vander can serve as Manny's mentor for learning to work with Lukas.
    “The Forest is not safe at this time, Lady kyl'Solidor. Gasta… the Keeper seems to have lost his influence. Nothing binds the sabre wolves and other forest spirits,” Sykes responded. Vander flinched at the Emperor's words.
    “That will not be a problem, Your Grace. Once there, Lord Inari can give us what protection we need, though I doubt that the forest spirits will bother me,” she said.
    “This is true. Very well, permission granted.”
    “Thank you, Your Grace,” Kalla said. She turned to Manny and Lukas. “Will you join us? I promise you will find no better mentor than Vander here. The travel will do you a world of wonder, Manny. You need to get your feet wet!” The Healer exclaimed with a sly grin. Manny returned it with a sheepish one.
    “I would be honored to travel with you, Lady Kalla.”
    “Well, that's all settled then. I will have proper mounts and equipment readied for you. How soon would you like to depart?”
    “I see no reason why it can't wait until morning, Your Grace,” Kalla said.
    The rest of the evening the group spent in relaxing. They were lead back to the Emperor's private quarters, where more soft chairs had been arranged, along with a round table. Sykes challenged Kalla to a game of
which they all eventually joined in, even Vander and Manny after they gained confidence. The
game finally wore down after a fair amount of gains and losses on everyone's part.
boards were produced and the magi and magisters pulled their pieces out. Much to Kalla's surprise, both Lukas and Sykes knew how to play and in short order the Emperor had retrieved a finely crafted set of forest green pieces and another of autumn orange. It seemed that the strategy game had been a love shared by the Emperor and the former Praetor. Sykes ran a nostalgic hand over the orange pieces before turning them over to Lukas.
    “These should go with you, my friend,” he said sadly. Lukas gently took them from the Emperor.
    “I thank you, milord. Looks like I may find a good use for them. Give this young pup here a run for his money, I might,” Lukas drawled. Manny gave him an indignant look, earning laughter from the rest of the group. The young Healer gave up and joined in.
    Kalla faced off with Sykes first, leaving Aleister to face Vander and Manny to face his own magister. The others watched intently and Kalla sensed that Kasai had picked up the game quicker than even Aleister had. When the bouts were finished he asked to face Kalla. Sure enough, the hawk had learned enough to keep her on her toes, though he accepted his loss gracefully. Kalla turned her pieces over to Zacharias, so that the Cleric could learn. The arrangements shifted again, with Zacharias facing Lukas, Manny against Sykes and Aleister against Kasai.
    The first two battles were over quickly, leaving the two magisters still facing one another. Both were holding ground quite nicely, neither quick to give up territory or advantages. The pair played cautiously and Kalla had the feeling that there was more to it than simply enjoying the game. It was a bit of sibling rivalry, the brothers testing wits with one another. She watched, thoroughly amused, as each grew more frustrated.
    The game drug out, passing a half hour, then an hour, before it was finally decided in a draw. Though the brothers congratulated each other heartily, and accepted compliments for a well-fought game, she could still sense the hint of rivalry behind it.
    A discrete yawn brought Aleister's attention to her and soon enough Kalla and her group found themselves back in their quarters, with the Emperor's assurances that all would be ready for them to depart in the morning. Sykes turned his remaining set of
pieces over to Kasai, a gesture which touched the hawk far more deeply than he let on. The Healer

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