Urban Renewal (Urban Elite Book 1)

Read Online Urban Renewal (Urban Elite Book 1) by Suzanne Steele, Stormy Dawn Weathers - Free Book Online

Book: Urban Renewal (Urban Elite Book 1) by Suzanne Steele, Stormy Dawn Weathers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Steele, Stormy Dawn Weathers
into my mouth as she lets go. As her pleasure gushes over my tongue, her flavor puts that Kentucky bourbon to shame.
    I don’t give her time to recover before I pull her down onto her hands and knees. With my pants pushed down over my hips, I grip my cock and slide the broad head back and forth through her luscious pussy lips. “I’ve been a gentleman all goddamn day, woman. I’m. Fucking. Done. Gonna take you any way I want now, you hear me?”
    “Fuck, yes… Do it…,” she groans as she lowers her head to the floor and tilts her ass up toward me. I’ve got the weight of the world on my shoulders these days, decisions and responsibilities everywhere I turn. But right now, as my hand slides over the lush curve of her ass, my life is simple and, fuck me, but it’s a beautiful sight.
    As always, Valerie reads me so easily and knows what I need. “Give it all to me, Jack, I want you to. Take it out on me…”
    Well, shit. I never could tell her no. With a guttural groan, I thrust the full length of my cock into her sweet snatch and hold her still against me as I struggle for control. I smack my hand down on her ass and pull back to study the red handprint as it gleams on her ivory skin. Can’t resist reaching down to stroke it – fuck, it’s the next best thing to beating my fists on my chest like a goddamn caveman.
    My hands grip her hips like a vice and I brace for what I know will be a punishing pace for both of us. I signal my intentions with a hard swivel of my hips and begin to thrust in earnest. I’m determined to control her pleasure as we move together in a relentless rhythm that borders on brutal. My head rolls back when her inner walls squeeze me like a goddamn fist. When that telltale surge of heat starts to tingle in my lower back, I stroke her clit the way she likes, determined to bring her along with me. I leave her in no doubt that I’m calling the shots here as I gasp in her ear, “You better come with my cock buried in you or you’re in trouble.”
    Right on cue, her body clamps down on me as she comes apart and claws at the carpet like a feral creature in ecstasy. My orgasm surges through me and I roar with pleasure as my cock pulses inside her.
    Moments later, we’ve barely moved, both of us still gasping for breath. With my chest curved over her back and my arms wrapped around her waist, I know I’ve given her what she needs, what no other man can give her. My hand glides down her lower back and over her ass as our breathing slows. With a soft kiss to her shoulder, I gently pick her up and hold in her in my arms, getting us settled in bed for the night.
    She’s practically purring as she drifts off to sleep in my arms. I kiss the top of her head and pull her closer against me, enjoying the quiet as I finish off my bourbon. Life is good.

Chapter Twelve
    “Good morning, beautiful.”
    “Mm, I slept well. I’m glad I stayed.”
    “You mean you’re glad I made you stay.”
    “You say tomato, I say tamahto.” She stretches like a feline and my cock stirs -- my cock that’s already a fine example of morning wood.
    “Girl, you better watch it or you’re going to be late,” I smirk as I arch a brow at her and stroke my cock, my intentions crystal clear. She jumps up buck ass naked and darts for the shower before I can grab her.
    “No can do, darlin’. We’ve got a sicko out there cutting up women, remember?”
    I groan, punching my fist into the pillow. This guy’s not only a serial killer, now he’s a cockblocker too. Finally I haul my ass out of bed and follow her. She may just find herself up against the shower wall and getting fucked anyway. I slip into the shower and she moves back, allowing the water to wash over me. I grab the shampoo and begin lathering her hair as I talk quietly. “I want you to be careful. This sick fuck wants to play and I don’t want him setting his sights on you.”
    “Jealous already?”
    I know she’s teasing me but I’m not feeling

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