Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter

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Book: Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter by Jessica Sims Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Sims
    I could almost feel Ramsey’s glare in Connor’s direction. The cab of the truck suddenly felt very small, and I clutched the coffee closer. “Just a small breakfast sandwich, I guess.”
    Connor made a noise of approval between bites of his sandwich. “One of the first things you’re going to figure out is that the wolf in you demands food—lots of it. Especially meat, the rawer the better. It’s best to pay attention to what your wolf wants, or else ignoring it could have nasty side effects.”
    “Got it,” I said in a confident voice, though I didn’t feel confident. I’d been a shifter for six years now. I knew that I liked raw meat, but I avoided it for that very reason. I thought maybe if I could control my wolf urges, I could control my wolf. Itseemed like everything I thought was backward. “I feel like there’s so much I don’t understand.”
    “That’s why I’m here,” Connor said confidently.
    Ramsey’s hands clenched the steering wheel a little tighter.
    “You want to encourage your wolf, Sara,” Connor continued. “It’s an important part of you now. The better you can handle the wolf, the easier you’ll fit in with the wolf pack.”
    And there went my appetite again. I sucked in a breath, trying to calm my stomach.
    Ramsey looked over at Connor with an almost violent expression. “Fuck the wolf pack. She doesn’t want to fit in.”
    “It’s not about what she wants anymore, I’m afraid,” Connor said evenly. “It’s not my decision, you know. I’m just here to supervise and help out where I can. It’s all Levi. And because he’s the alpha, I can’t contradict him.”
    Neither could I. The thought made my stomach churn even more.
    We pulled up in front of the unassuming strip mall that Midnight Liaisons was housed in. I was never so relieved to get out of the car and practically leapt out behind Connor.
    Ramsey was already there with his hand extended, ready to hold mine. The sight made me blush, and I handed him the bag of food. Then, coffee in one hand of mine, Ramsey’s hand in the other, and Connor trailing behind us, we headed into the agency.
    “Sara, there you are,” my sister said with a smile and a wave from her desk. She had a phone cradled to her ear and covered the mouthpiece as she greeted me. “I was wondering if you were going to be late.”
    “No, I’m ready.” Sorta.
    “Good,” she said with a smile, then held the phone out to Ramsey. “Beau wants to talk to you.”
    “Not right now,” he said. He released my hand, moved to my desk, and pulled my chair out.
    I sat down and clutched my coffee, glancing at the bear-shifter hovering over my shoulder. Connor sat across from me and proceeded to devour breakfast sandwiches, unfazed by Ramsey’s glower. Ramsey stood directly to the side of my chair and waited, unyielding, his big form looming over me and my desk.
    I gave my sister a help me look.
    “Tell him that it’s not a request, it’s an order,” Beau’s laughing voice said over the phone. Every shifter in the office could hear it plain as day. Our hearing was magnified compared to a normal person’s. Even in human form, I could hear a pin drop across the room. I could definitely overhear a phone call, and so could the others.
    “He said—”
    “I know,” Ramsey growled, pulling out his own cell phone and storming out of the office.
    “Hanging up now, sweet Bathsheba. Love you,” Beau said to my sister, then clicked over to take Ramsey’s call.
    I stared at my coffee, glancing out the door.Ramsey paced in the distance, just far enough away that shifter ears couldn’t pick up his conversation. My sister resumed typing, and Connor ate. My stomach rumbled, and Connor slid a sandwich to me. “Eat. You need fuel as a shifter. You’re not like a human girl anymore, and you don’t have the appetite of one.”
    Ugh. Thanks for the reminder. I poked at the paper and then gave Connor a cross look. “I prefer Starbucks.”

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