Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter

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Book: Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter by Jessica Sims Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Sims
auto-date pool. It should have matched him up repeatedly through the database. Instead, his profile was blank. Either it hadn’t been activated, or something odd was going on . . . or he was completely unattractive to other supernaturals. Strange. I looked at his picture. His hair was a little long and he wasn’t smiley, but Ramsey was handsome. Not very chatty, but that was all right. Just the strong, silent type.
    Why didn’t anyone want to date him? I shrugged and clicked his profile away, and the computer returned to mine.
    Connor touched the corner of my flatscreen monitor, turning it so he could see, too. “You get your hair done recently?”
    “Just time for a change,” I said lightly, then lied, “bears have a thing for blue.”
    He snorted. “You and Ramsey . . . it’s just odd.”
    I scowled at Connor, insulted. “What’s so odd about it?”
    “Your sizes. He’s a bear. He could eat you forbreakfast. You’re better off with a wolf,” he declared. “Most of my cousins are good guys. You’d like ’em once you got to know ’em better.”
    I couldn’t help but notice that “most of.” If he was here to sell me on his cousins, he was doing a pretty awful job of it. “I happen to love Ramsey,” I said with a little choke on the word love . “And unless you want to wear your coffee, you’re going to shut up about matching me up with one of your cousins.”
    His handsome face was somber. “Sara, I’m trying to help you. I’m here to be your friend, and as a friend, I’m trying to give you good, practical advice. Wolves don’t take no for an answer. My cousins are lonely. Levi knows that they’re lonely, and you’re in their grasp, so he’s going to be very determined to bring you to the pack, because to him, it’s in the best interest of the others. And because my brothers need a mate, they’re not going to give up on you so easily, either. You need to remember that, Sara.” He dug into the bag and pulled out another sandwich, then offered it to me. When I declined, he began to peel off the paper. “I realize this comes across as harsh, but I’m trying to warn you. They’ll play nice at first, but don’t expect them to play nice forever.”
    A shiver ran up my spine. “It’s a good thing I’ve got Ramsey, then.” As Connor continued to study my screen, I sipped my coffee. “You interested in setting up a profile?”
    “Don’t know.” He hesitated for a moment, as if wanting to say more, but he didn’t.
    That wasn’t a no, I thought triumphantly and noticed my sister watching out of the corner of her eye. “There’s not a lot of wolf-shifters in our database,” I said. “But I know a pretty were-mink or two that you might be interested in meeting.”
    He seemed uninterested. “Maybe. Is Savannah in the database?”
    Aha. “She wasn’t as of last week, but that could have changed. Beau is making sure his family members are added to the pool. They like our service and feel it helps promote cross-species relations.”
    “I’ll bet,” he said. “Sure. Sign me up, I guess.”
    “I’ll get Ryder,” my sister said, jumping up from her desk and heading to the back part of the office. “Be right back.”
    Connor scowled, looking more like a thwarted young man than the vicious wolf I’d pegged him to be. I leaned over my desk. “If you want to see Savannah again, you need to make my sister happy.”
    His scowl darkened. “Humans? Please—”
    “She’s Beau’s mate,” I warned in a low voice, ignoring the insult to my sister. “And she carries a lot of influence with him. Just so you know.”
    Connor continued to scowl, even when Ryder appeared, all perky smiles, her camera in hand. She flirted outrageously with Connor, who didn’t flirt back. I wasn’t sure if it was because she smelled human or if it was because he was thinking of Savannah. Ryder’s playful attempts to get him to open up failed miserably, however, and eventually she got the hint.

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