Texas Strong

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Book: Texas Strong by Jean Brashear Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jean Brashear
    Her heart twisted as she saw her son emulating the big man.
    “That’s right.” Tank grinned at her, and she had to smile back.
    “Smells good in here,” he said.
    She flushed. “I hope you’ll like it. It’s nothing fancy, just spaghetti.” She’d had to improvise the sauce, but she thought it tasted okay.
    “I love spaghetti! Do you, Big Theo?”
    “I do.”
    “But you could make that yourself any time. I wish I could—”
    He touched her for the very first time, one hand on her shoulder, stopping her. “It’s a treat to have a meal prepared by a pretty lady.”
    The contact jarred her, sending a little shiver over her skin. She fumbled for a response. He thought she was pretty?
    His gaze met hers, then slid away. He removed himself to the sink, and she was left staring at his broad back. Ogling, really, and she whirled away, astonished at herself. She was no shy maiden. She’d had her share of wild times—more than her share, probably, but he…flustered her.
    She never got flustered with men.
    He seemed almost…shy. Tentative. At odds with the confidence a man of his strength and size should possess. She’d been powerless her whole life, unable to stop drifting on the wispy winds of impulse. Yet he, who should feel invincible if his size counted for anything, seemed surprisingly unsettled.
    She cast around for a neutral topic. “How’s my car?”
    He turned, wiping his hands dry. “I can’t fix the belt yet. I’m sorry. There’s something wrong with one of the pulleys. I’m guessing a bearing is frozen, but I won’t know until I can pull it off. I need better light. Okay if I come back in the morning to take a look? Even if you’re not here?”
    Do you trust me? He seemed to be asking. “Of course, but don’t you have to work?”
    “I seldom get two days off in a row, but I have them this time.”
    “Then you should be spending them doing something fun.”
    “Don’t have a lot of time for fun. I have cattle to tend and a ranch to maintain.”
    “You have a ranch, Big Theo? That’s awesome! Does that mean you’re a real cowboy?”
    Another of those rare smiles that made him beautiful. “For generations back. My people helped settle this place.” But a shadow crossed his features, and she wondered at the cause.
    “Do you ride a horse and everything?”
    “Sometimes. I do have a horse.”
    “What’s his name?” Becky spoke up for the first time. She loved all things horses.
    “His name is Goliath.”
    “Can I ride him?” Thad asked.
    Becky looked just as eager.
    “ ’Fraid not. He’s not a good horse for kids. Sorry.” At their looks of disappointment, he tried again. “But maybe I can work something out to borrow one.” He tensed, and she wondered why. “Don’t want to get your hopes up, though.”
    “It’s okay, Big Theo,” Thad said loyally. “I know you’ll try your best.”
    A brief, sad smile. “Would you like to ride, too, Miss Becky?”
    Her blonde curls bounced as she nodded. “Yes, please.” She hesitated. “If it’s not too much trouble.”
    She saw resolve harden on his features. Clearly he would do his best, regardless of the cost to him. But she couldn’t help remembering how lonely he’d seemed, and how her coworkers had warned her off him. “Kids, Tank has a lot of responsibilities. Let’s not bother him with this right now.”
    His head whipped to hers. “I want to do it. I’ll figure something out.” Determination rode his features, and she understood that his pride was at stake. That she had to let him try.
    “You’ve done so much for us already.”
    “I don’t make promises I don’t intend to keep.”
    She backed off. “Then thank you. Please sit down, and let’s eat before it gets cold.” She turned toward the stove and dished out the noodles and the sauce. As she moved to the table, he rose and took the dish from her. After he set it down, he rounded the table and held her chair.
    She smiled up at him uncertainly.

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