Doctor's Delight

Read Online Doctor's Delight by Angela Verdenius - Free Book Online

Book: Doctor's Delight by Angela Verdenius Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Verdenius
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, love, sexual, sensual, doctor, heat, virgin, nurse, plussized heroine, handsome hero


    Her shirt
clingingly wetly to her stomach and shoulder, Cherry made her way
back to the nurses’ station. Maxie looked up and started
    “Not funny,”
Cherry said. “I should have known better than to let Mrs Gumfrey
hold the shower hose.”
    “Whatever were
you thinking?”
nothing intelligent.” Rounding the bench to stand behind it, Cherry
took several tissues and wiped the side of her face.
    “Other things
on your mind?”
    “There’s no
‘huh’ about it.” Cherry noticed the file before Maxie. “What’s
    “The new doctor
is coming in to review Leo.”
    “What’s he
angry, and non-cooperative.”
    “Not Leo, you
ninny. The new doctor.”
    “Never met him
before.” Maxie glanced up as Susie stopped by the desk. “You look
    “The new
doctor.” Susie fanned her face. “What a dish. I could lick him
right up.”
    Cherry rolled
her eyes.
    “He’s coming
down the corridor now.”
    Busy trying to
absorb some of the water from her shirt with the tissues, Cherry
only glanced up briefly when Susie and Maxie both sighed dreamily,
but the sight was enough to make her freeze.
    The man
standing and talking to another doctor had only his silhouette
visible, but it was like time had gone rushing backwards and she
was back in the motel, looking out the window. Slightly
dishevelled black hair that came down to his collar, a hank of it
hanging rakishly over his forehead. A straight, autocratic
nose . He turned face-on and started to stride towards the
nurses’ station, his gaze only briefly passing over the nurses
standing and sitting there, and she saw bright green eyes and a
mouth that was full enough to be sensuous without being feminine. A
strong jaw line .
    “ Oh
shit!” Heart thundering, she dropped to her hands and knees
behind the desk.
    Maxie gaped
down at her.
wildly to her to stay quiet, Cherry reached up with one hand,
grabbed the file, shoved it into Maxie’s slack grip and flapped her
hand at her in a desperate signal to stand up.
    Eyes wide, but
understanding that something was wrong, Maxie stood up and leaned
over the desk, placing the file on the top of it so the new doctor
could take it, read the notes and write his spiel in it without
having to come around the desk.
cottoning on pretty quickly that something was going on, Susie
waylaid the other doctor before he could move around behind the
    Biting her
bottom lip, Cherry could barely control her trembling fingers. The
new doctor was the same man with whom she’d had sex! The stranger
who’d taken her virginity and shown her a hot time, and how amazing
sex could be!
    He was the new
    Oh my God! How
much worse could things get?
    The pleasant
tone of his voice was the same, and she could shut her eyes and
almost imagine that voice sweeping through her senses, his warm
breath on her nape, those skilled fingers trailing down her arm –
shit, no wonder they were skilled fingers - he was a doctor.
    A doctor who
came to the private hospital in which she worked. She was so
screwed. So royally, majorly screwed.
    Wringing her
hands, she listened as Maxie spoke to the doctor, and then she
heard him introduce himself to Maxie.
    Rick Reed. Not
a Damien, never a Damien, but Rick Reed.
    She listened as
he gave a last few instructions before walking away. She knew
exactly when the coast was clear because a concerned Maxie squatted
down beside her. “Cherry?”
    “What the hell
was all that about?” Susie demanded, coming around the other side
of the desk.
    “That was him,”
Cherry hissed.
    “Him who?”
    “Him. The
not-Damien. That was him .”
not-Damien? What are you…” Susie’s eyes widened. “Him? The new GP?
That was him?”
    “Rick Reed was
the man you had sex with?” Maxie’s mouth fell open. “Him?”
    “Yes! Oh my
God, what if he recognizes me?” Grabbing a

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