Stepbrother Desires (Billionaire Contemporary Romance)

Read Online Stepbrother Desires (Billionaire Contemporary Romance) by Bianca James - Free Book Online

Book: Stepbrother Desires (Billionaire Contemporary Romance) by Bianca James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bianca James
    Firstly Tyler,
thank you for agreeing to share your story with us today and I believe
congratulations are in order?
    Yes, it’s
official, my beautiful wife, Anna, is expecting our first child at Christmas. I
can’t wait to be a dad!
    There was a lot
of speculation when you walked away from Reynolds Oil & Gas. There were no
official press releases and none of the family members, your father in
particular, were available to comment.
    My father and I
had what you might call, differences of opinion. My grandfather, who
practically raised me while my father built the company to what it is today,
always believed in working with local residents and contributing to the
communities that were impacted by our oil and gas interests.
    Sadly, my father
took a different stand, his widespread use of hydraulic fracturing or
‘fracking’ as it’s known, being just one example. I couldn’t, in all good
conscience continue to work for a company that earned its revenue in that way.
So I walked out.
    And that meant
you walked away from your inheritance?
    Not exactly. Due
to some personal differences between my father and I, of which there were many
including my marriage to my former stepsister, my father made the decision to
rewrite his will and disinherit me. Not that I wanted his money, anyway.
    You said
‘former’ stepsister?
    Yes, Anna’s
mother recently divorced my father. She’s reconciled her differences with her
daughter and she will come to live with us and the baby when we eventually find
a place we can all call home.
    What future
business plans can you share with us?
    My most recent
birthday, to my utter surprise, triggered the release of a trust fund left to
me by my grandfather. I can’t go into too much detail, but my father and
grandfather never got along too well. I doubt he would have left the company to
my dad if he’d had any other option. He made sure to structure it with a board
to keep him in line, though.
    Anyway, I think
my grandfather knew I’d lock horns with my dad sooner or later, so he left me a
trust fund so I could be independent, if I chose to be.
    Anna and I are planning
to form our own renewable energy corporation to develop geothermal, wind, hydro
and solar energy solutions in communities in which we can joint venture with
local residents and authorities. If we can provide cost effective, nonpolluting
and renewable energy in a way that allows the locals to invest and share in the
profits, then we believe we may be able to lead the way in reducing our
dependence on fossil fuels.
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Other Books by Bianca James
    Alexis by
Night (The Complete Trilogy)
    Bestselling author Bianca James takes erotic romance to new heights
    Available for the first time as a complete collection
    *** Includes an exclusive bonus story ***
commanding and ruggedly sexy billionaire and CEO, Trent Hudson, uses women to
satisfy his unbridled lust, even if he has to pay for it.
Alexis knows his dirty little secret, but when their worlds collide, all hell
breaks loose. Why is it, then, that she still feels a clawing need for him when
she thinks about ‘that night’?
    Perhaps an
evening of kink with a client will distract Alexis, as she strives to satisfy
his particular fetish?
    If that’s not
enough, then a wild and steamy

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