Deadly Desire (Carrington-Hill Investigations Book 2)

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Book: Deadly Desire (Carrington-Hill Investigations Book 2) by Kate Allenton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Allenton
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do you know him?”
    Collin slid into the seat next to hers. “I met him several years ago at a fundraiser, and we’ve been friends ever since.”
    She didn’t have time to dig deeper before they were interrupted as a muscular man with a holster strapped to his broad shoulders headed in their direction. He had short salt-and-pepper hair and an air of authority. The Sheriff, if she had to guess. He extended his hand. Collin took her elbow and pulled her to her feet.
    “Collin, it’s good to see you again. I just wish it w as under different circumstances.”
    Collin removed his arm from around her shoulder and shook the man’s hand. “Sheriff.”
    Okay, so maybe the way the sheriff carried himself wasn’t because of the big guns he had strapped to his body. The man was all about business, hardly sparing time for pleasantries, and somewhat reminded Sara of her father. The sheriff turned and motioned them to follow him down the hall. The scent of coffee got stronger, almost making her salivate. The banter between two cops at a water cooler ceased as they passed. “We just need to get an official report.”
    They all walked in silence , turning and filing into the cluttered office at the end of the hall. The white plastered walls were littered with commendations and pictures. A younger version of the blonde, only with dark hair, was in most of them. Sara pointed with her thumb back to his door. “Is the blonde at the front desk your daughter?”
    He nodded. “That’s Katrina, my oldest. She’s covering for Martha while she’s on maternity leave. This is only a temporary gig until she finds another job, one more suitable to her liking.”
    Collin crossed one ankle over his other leg. “ That explains it. I knew she looked familiar, but she wasn’t blonde at the benefit. She was a brunette back then, wasn’t she?”
    The sheriff shrugged. “It’s possible; she changes her hair color when the wind blows. The whole family was there.”
    Collin nodded , dismissing the information, and they got down to business. He explained about the letter and the reason they’d gone to Tonya’s apartment. He also explained that he’d bumped into her one week prior. Sara interrupted and explained her theory about the murderer probably also being a stalker and that Carrington Hill Investigations was in the process of moving another one of Collin’s exes to a secure location just to keep her safe. After an exhausting hour of rehashing the events from the last two days, they all said their goodbyes. The sheriff told Collin not to leave town without notifying him and that he’d call if he had any more questions or information. The sheriff’s down-to-business demeanor and series of questions were enlightening, instantly telling her from the way the questions were worded that Collin wasn’t a suspect. 
    They arrived back at Collin’s house and headed inside just as the sun was starting to set on the horizon. Her mind was running ninety to nothing with all of the questions she needed to ask him, questions that she shouldn’t put off any longer. If that meant she was going to be cooped up with him in his study, she had some frustrations to work out before they talked. She walked into the kitchen and started the coffee maker as he slid into one of the stools on the other side of the bar. “Is your pool heated?”
    “Yeah, it’s a consistent eighty degrees. Why?” Collin asked as he rubbed his neck.
    “We need to come up with a plan, and I do my best thinking while I’m swimming laps. How about we meet in your office in about an hour?”
    He flashed her one of his dimples and her mind went immediately to trying to figure out if she could make him flash her both. Yet, another reminder why she needed the time alone. Not just to think about his case, but to douse her hormones to get them back under control. The indentation in his cheek deepened.
    “Sure, my office in an hour.” He stood and walked out of the kitchen, leaving

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