Deadly Desire (Carrington-Hill Investigations Book 2)

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Book: Deadly Desire (Carrington-Hill Investigations Book 2) by Kate Allenton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Allenton
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concern. “It’s just a scratch.” She ran a hand over her face, and the smile that had once been there was replaced with a frown. “You have a unique case. Stalkers generally only target their victims, and yours is targeting your ex-girlfriends. She’s eliminating anyone that she sees as a potential obstacle standing in her way of the ultimate prize.” She tilted her head toward him. “In this case, that would be you, Don Juan.”
    His D on Juan attributes seemed to be lacking tonight, either that or she was immune to his charm and charisma. 
    She shrugged. “ You’re one hundred percent prime, Grade A steak, not to mention successful, smart, rich, and even sexy.”
    “You think I’m sexy?”
    She ignored his question, took another sip, and made another face. “Since it goes against the classic stalking, I’m wondering if the killer just wants to make it look that way. Maybe she or he is trying to frame you.”
    Wait … what? Sexy…yeah, he could work with that, but she’d switched gears way too fast before he’d even had a chance to comment. He’d come down to the pool to unwind, maybe get to know Sara better. The flirting had been a bonus. Even though the murder was still fresh in his mind, he’d wanted to forget, even if for just a little bit. And she had the body that could give him just that.
    Now it seemed he couldn’t wrap his head around what she was suggesting. “Those are the only two options, stalker or someone wanting to frame me?”
    She nodded and took another sip of her beer as she climbed out of the pool and then walked over to the chair where she’d discarded her robe. He knew she had a great body even if she didn’t try to flaunt it. The black one-piece hugged her body like a second skin, giving him a glimpse of the beauty hiding beneath the suit. He lowered himself farther into the water and pressed up against the wall, reclining on the side of the pool, knowing if he got out of the water this minute even the cold air wouldn’t do anything to diminish the bulge in his swim trunks.
    She slid on the robe and tied the sash before sitting down in the chair and using the towel she’d brought out to cover her legs. “Unless you have a jealous lover out there that wants revenge, which you haven’t told me about, I’m sticking with my gut feeling, but I’ll try and keep my options open. One thing I’m almost certain of is that it started within the last month, so we’re going to need to retrace your steps and figure out everywhere you’ve been. Anyone you can think of who acted weird, any new acquaintances? Also be thinking about anyone you’ve pissed off recently, male or female.” 
    He gulped down the rest of his beer and propped his chin against his arms. She wasn’t asking for a lot . She was asking for a damn miracle. He looked up. “Honey, you really expect for me to remember everyone I talked to in the last thirty days. I’ve been to ten fundraisers and benefits alone. I wouldn’t even begin to know how to start remembering.”
    Sara chewed on her bottom lip before sliding out of the lounge chair to her feet. “Then we’ll have to wing it.”
    She started walking back toward the pool house.
    “Wait! What?”
    Stopping at the door, Sara turned. “Make sure you lock up and get a good night’s sleep. We’ve got a busy day tomorrow, so expect to get hot and sweaty.”
    She chuckled as she disappeared into the pool house, leaving him to his thoughts.
    Hot and sweaty he could handle. Collin pushed off the wall and floated on his back. Yeah, that was exactly what he needed, a night off. A plan started forming in his head on exactly how he was going to win over the little investigator. Maybe a candlelight dinner, slow dancing, and conversation. She wouldn’t stand a chance against his charms or the seduction playing out in his head.

    Chapter 7

    Collin shoveled the dog poop from t he kennel into a nearby wheelbarrow. Sweat trickled down his back as the

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