Deadly Desire (Carrington-Hill Investigations Book 2)

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Book: Deadly Desire (Carrington-Hill Investigations Book 2) by Kate Allenton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Allenton
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her alone to finish making her coffee. Then she planned to go back to the pool house and change into her bathing suit.
    She slipped into a white fluffy cotton robe and stepped out onto the patio. The moonlight glistened off the water in the heated oversized pool. Stars twinkled high in the night sky. Even though it was a brisk October, the heated pool and a night swim promised to relieve the knots that had taken up permanent residence in her shoulders ever since she’d met the un-dateable bachelor. For the next hour, she would submerge herself into her workout, a surefire way to bring a little bit of sanity and rational thinking back into her overactive imagination and uncontrollable desires. She only hoped that neither Collin nor Drew would appear thinking that she’d want the company, because she didn’t.
    She set her phone on the patio table , untied the sash of her robe, and slid out of the warm material before draping it over a nearby chair and stepping down into the warm water. It was a nice contrast from the cool night air. The smell of fresh-cut grass drifted on the slight breeze. She stepped off the last step and dunked her head, submerging her body into the welcoming arms of the familiar routine. She ran her hands over her head and wiped the water from her eyes to find Collin standing by the table where she’d left her phone.
    “Hope you don’t mind.” He s et his beer down along with the extra one he had in his hand and untied his robe, leaving it draped over the back of the patio chair next to hers. His perfectly muscled body had been kissed by the sun. The muscles in his arms tightened as he picked up his beer and took a big swig. She stood there like an idiot and admired the man standing before her. He was the epitome of perfection. Everything about him oozed sex appeal, drawing unsuspecting women to him like a moth to a flame. He leaned over dropping the robe on the chair flexing his abs.
    “I could bounce a quarter off those babies.” Her hand flew to her mouth as her eyes widened. She couldn’t believe she’d said that out loud.
    His deep chuckle filled the air , only to be drowned out by Sara submerging herself in the water, hoping when she came up for air that he’d be gone. Another minute went by before she broke the surface. No such luck, he was still there.
    “You could try .”
    She groaned , ducked underwater again, and kicked to the shallow end of the pool. She pushed off the wall and swam under water before submerging with strokes to swim the full length of the pool and back again eight times before she stopped to catch her breath.
    Sara was definitely a hard woman to figure out. He’d never had to work so hard for a woman’s attention. Too bad she never acted on the comments she blurted out. What was the matter with him? Collin leaned back against the steps and sipped his beer as he watched Sara push herself to the brink of exhaustion. The white bandage on her arm was now soaked through. She had to stop sometime to catch her breath, didn’t she? He chuckled and then waited for her to come up for air. She finally came up and inhaled several big breaths, her chest quickly rising and falling as her lungs fought to refill with air.
    “You always push yourself like that?” he asked as she tilted her head back and forth, as if trying to dislodge the water from her ears.
    “Only when I’m stressed or sexually frustrated.” Sara walked closer to the steps while shaking her head. Her cheeks again pinkened, and not from her strenuous exercise. He handed her the beer he’d brought out for her, and she took a swig and scrunched her nose. Not a big beer drinker. He was figuring out all of her little quirks, studying her like she was a science project, his project.
    “I have a single cure for both of your problems. Want me to show you?”
    She rolled her eyes while ringing the water out of her hair.
    “What happened to the arm?”
    Sara fingered the bandage before waving away his

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