Phantoms of Fall (The Haunting Ruby Series Book 2)

Read Online Phantoms of Fall (The Haunting Ruby Series Book 2) by Joy Elbel - Free Book Online

Book: Phantoms of Fall (The Haunting Ruby Series Book 2) by Joy Elbel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joy Elbel
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Charlotte’s Grove High School.
The building looked so small when we were here for open
house but it loomed before me now like a maximum security
prison. And everyone knows what happens to fresh meat in a
place like that. Rations were about to be served with me as
the main course.
    If Zach hadn’t opened the door for me, I probably
would have sat there until the last bell rang. But I got out,
took his hand, and let him lead me into the school.
Our first
stop was the administrative offices so I could pick up my
schedule. My dad picked out my classes when he was here in
the spring, so I didn’t even know what I was taking. Two
guesses—math and science to an excess. My dad wanted me
to follow in his footsteps and become a doctor.
I wanted
nothing to do with it. Writing was my passion but he didn’t
think it was a good decision—funny for someone who was
married to a millionaire author. I didn’t care if writing was a
long, hard process with only a small chance for a big payoff—
it was what I loved.
    I hid behind his massive frame as he walked straight
into the office.
It was a good thing I already threw up,
because if I hadn’t, I would have probably done it right there.
He walked up to the front desk and waited for the secretary to
finish her phone call.
She was clearly arguing with someone
on the other end, but I could see a smile form when she saw
who was standing in front of her. I had to hand it to him—he
definitely had the power to captivate any audience.
    “Hello, Zach. What can I help you with?” The
secretary was at least well into her forties but I could see her
eyes roaming over his muscles as she spoke. It was time to
rename the town again, I guess. Welcome to Cougar’s Grove.
    “This is Ruby Matthews—it’s her first day here.” He
took me by the waist and nudged me forward. “She needs to
get her schedule.”
    I could almost feel her sizing me up, top to bottom,
and deciding whether or not I was worthy of being with him.
Giving me a courteous smile, she reached into a filing cabinet
and produced a sheet of paper. But instead of handing it to
me, she slid it into Zach’s hand. “Here you go, Zach. Hope you
have a good year.”
    Really? Didn’t I even deserve a polite “Hello, Ruby?
Welcome to Charlotte’s Grove?” Zach thanked her and we
walked out of the office. About halfway to the door, I glanced
quickly over my shoulder and caught her checking out his
backside. Again, it was a good thing I’d already thrown up.
    The hallway filled up while we were in the office.
wasn’t normally claustrophobic, but panic welled up inside
me as he led me to our homeroom. The noise was deafening
everyone seemed to
be competing
to be heard over
everyone else.
    Zach pulled his schedule out of his pocket and held it
out. “Do we have any classes together?” He was right beside
me but he still had to practically scream it at me.
    “I don’t know—I haven’t had a chance to look at mine
yet.” No chance? It was more like avoiding it like it was a bad
case of acne. I was afraid to see the damage my father had
done to me.
    “This is us,” he said pointing to Room 124. The door
was closed and as Zach opened it, the hinges creaked like
something out of a horror movie. All we needed now was a
creepy janitor and a machete. But once inside, I changed my
    At the desk sat a man around my father’s age intently
reading a newspaper. He had wavy brown hair and just a hint
of a goatee. He was dressed professionally but through the
fabric of his shirt a tattoo was visible on his left bicep. Simply
put, he
old but he
I racked my
remember seeing even one ugly person in this school. It was
kind of like being in the Village of the Damned.
Or more
precisely, Village of the Damn, Why Was Everyone So Good
I was
hell but I still
chuckled to myself at the thought. It was the little things that
were going to carry me through this day.

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