By the Numbers

Read Online By the Numbers by Chris Owen and Tory Temple - Free Book Online

Book: By the Numbers by Chris Owen and Tory Temple Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Owen and Tory Temple
Tags: gay romance
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me." Wow, they were sitting closer than he'd thought. Trey could see that Deuce's eyes weren't brown, as he'd first thought. More hazel, with little flecks of gold. Nice.
    "And what do you learn, when you're watching people?" Deuce was looking back, smiling a little. He didn't seem nervous at all, not even slightly. "Or do you just go for the entertainment value, watching people be dumb to impress each other?"
    "It's both." Either the wine was going to his head, or Trey was relaxed enough to feel warm all over. Their feet were almost touching and Trey could feel the heat of Deuce's body next to him on the couch. "But I learn the most while I'm at work, from the calls we get. It lets me profile people. Then I judge them while I'm out at a bar."
    "And what kind of things do you judge?" Deuce's smile grew, and he seemed to lean in a bit.
    Trey leaned in too, almost without realizing it. "If they're pretending to have money. If they're trying to show off. If they're just out to have fun or if they want something else." Their heads were very close together now.
    "I don't see the point in pretending to have money -- that illusion can't last. Want to have some fun?" Deuce's gaze dropped and then came back up, leaving Trey with the impression that he'd just lost a layer of clothes without even noticing.
    "With you?" Oh, Christ. Of course Deuce meant him. Trey was totally not used to this direct hit thing.
    Deuce laughed softly. "How about dessert? More wine?"
    "If I drink more wine, I'll sleep through my alarm tomorrow. But dessert, sure." Trey hesitated for a second, unsure if he'd read the moment correctly.
    Deuce looked him over again and smiled, the twinkle kicking up a notch. "I'm probably going to kiss you, if you don't go take care of dessert right now. Just so you know."
    Get up. Get up, get up, get up, his conscience said, get up now and take yourself out of what could be a really difficult situation.
    Trey didn't, of course. He stayed where he was and let his gaze drop to Deuce's mouth, then back up again. The thing was, he wanted to be kissed. "In a second," Trey whispered. "I'll get it in a second."
    "Okay." Deuce nodded. "You ponder it for a few minutes." Then he leaned the few remaining inches and kissed Trey's mouth, soft and slow. Then he did it again.
    It was everything Trey was asking for, even if his conscience was sighing and shaking its head at him. Trey didn't care. Deuce's mouth was warm, and he smelled good, and the wine was letting Trey do stuff that he normally would have kept in check. This was his future roommate, after all.
    Deuce was a really good kisser, though. Trey lifted a hand to cup the back of his Deuce's and found his hair to be soft and. Trey shifted a bit on the couch to get closer and opened his mouth slightly, letting his tongue touch the edges of Deuce's lips.
    The kiss grew deeper, Deuce apparently taking Trey's touches for a signal of some kind. He let Trey in and tasted back, one hand on Trey's arm. He brushed Trey's jaw and cheek before settling his hand back on Trey's bicep, and Trey felt more than heard a very soft sound of pleasure.
    The tiny noise went straight to his cock. One electric jolt of sensation right from his mouth to his groin, and all because Deuce was kissing him and apparently enjoying it. Trey hadn't thought a simple kiss would be this... this... detailed. There was sound and sense and taste and Trey wanted to absorb it all, then get more.
    So, he went for more. The gentle tasting of each other that they were doing with their tongues turned into exploring each other's mouths. Trey discovered that Deuce not only knew how to kiss, but had probably majored in it or something. The guy was doing stuff with just his tongue that Trey didn't even know was possible.
    Deuce didn't even come up for air so much as he granted a slight reprieve and then took Trey's senses over again. The hand on Trey's arm squeezed gently and then moved to slide around to Trey's back, pulling them

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