By the Numbers

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Book: By the Numbers by Chris Owen and Tory Temple Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Owen and Tory Temple
Tags: gay romance
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a bit of lean meat, but the weekends are all about indulging."
    There were so many ways to interpret Deuce's meaning of the word "indulge", so Trey decided to just take it at face value. "Cool. Plenty of healthy recipes and stuff I can show you when you move in. And not so healthy." The creamy fettuccine alfredo he made sometimes was one of them.
    Dessert was finished amid more gentle teases and joking, and Deuce remained true to his word and didn't make any sort of move. Disappointing, but a relief at the same time. Trey was too weirded out by the way things were moving.
    "I work tomorrow," he said, scooping up the last of his parfait. "Come by if you want to. Or text me or something."
    "Really? I'd love that. I have some errands to do, but I'll see if you're around in the late afternoon, if that's cool." Deuce looked as pleased as he sounded.
    "Afternoons are always better. Mornings are busy with chores and stuff. Give me a call before you come by, okay?"
    "Sure." Deuce nodded and got up, taking both glasses with him. "I'm going to head home, I think. Mostly because I'm slightly drunk and the puppies need to be let out. If I get too cozy, I'll wind up kissing you some more and there will be an unholy mess to deal with when I get there."
    Trey took the glasses from him. "I got these. You better get home to the mess. Before it becomes unholy, I mean. Thanks for coming over tonight. And for the wine and... everything."
    "Thank you. " Deuce smiled at him and looked around before walking to the door. "Thanks for supper, for suggesting I move in, all of it. I'll call you tomorrow."
    Trey followed, still holding the dessert glasses. "Sounds good." Before his better judgment could catch up, he leaned in and gave Deuce a fast kiss. "Night."
    "Good night, Trey." Deuce gave him a huge smile and left, whistling softly to himself.
    The door closed with a soft click, and Trey resisted the impulse to look out the front window. Instead, he went to the kitchen and left the glasses soaking with the rest of the dinner dishes. He'd wash them in the morning before work.
    He turned lights off as he went down the hall and spent a moment peeking his head into Lacey's room. The house was always more welcoming when she was there to break the stillness. Trey supposed that Deuce would do the same thing when he moved in. It might be nice to come home to a place that actually had people in it instead of silent rooms.
    Trey brushed his teeth in the bathroom and checked himself in the mirror for whisker growth. He rubbed his chin as he entered his own bedroom and debated shaving tonight, then discarded the idea in favor of an early bedtime. He'd shave for work in the morning. That was one thing he loved about having four days off in a row: no need to shave. Otherwise, he was expected to be clean-shaven for each shift or run the risk of his breathing apparatus mask not fitting correctly over his face.
    Clothes got discarded in a heap, and he crawled in between crisp cotton sheets. Trey's housekeeper was totally worth what he paid her to come in and clean once a week. He'd have to remind himself to let Deuce know that Wednesdays were clean-house day.
    Thoughts of Deuce made Trey focus on the evening they'd just shared. It had been easy and comfortable, and the kissing had just sort of happened, despite that little voice that had advised against it. But man, it had been nice.
    So nice, in fact, that Trey's cock began firming up just from the reminder. Deuce had smelled good, and he had strong hands. Trey had a thing for hands. He couldn't help getting turned on by the rough skin and light dusting of hair that most guys had, but Deuce's hands had the extra bonus of long fingers.
    God, he got even harder at the thought. Under the warm cover of his blankets, Trey touched himself lightly and closed his eyes. He was too wound up to sleep, anyway. Taking the edge off would help.
    The lube was always in his bedside drawer. He retrieved it and used a few slick drops

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