Creed (The Marquette Family Book One)

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Book: Creed (The Marquette Family Book One) by Tressie Lockwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tressie Lockwood
and rested her forehead on the door.
    Creed pounded the wall with his fist, and then his body was no longer pressed against hers. She peeked over her shoulder. He had stepped back, his fist pressed to the bridge of his nose. “Go,” he said.
    “You’re letting me?” She hesitated to move.
    “I said I won’t force you. Go now. Please .”
    Shada pivoted in degrees. She eyed his crotch and saw the tent there. He reached his desk and leaned over it. The tension in his hand when he gripped the desk turned his knuckles white. This man wanted her bad. Really bad. The knowledge boggled her mind. He could surely have any woman he wanted. Hell, half the women who had come to the restaurant would have said yes if he’d propositioned them—no matter their age. Since she’d met him, he could have satisfied his lust many times, but over the last few weeks, she hadn’t seen Creed leave the restaurant except late at night. He always returned early in the morning and worked straight through. This man had denied himself physical pleasure with a woman, as far as she could tell, and he had chosen her. He wasn’t offering what she didn’t crave, and he definitely wouldn’t interfere with her personal decision not to fall in love. Nothing could be more perfect.
    She walked over to him and rubbed her hand over his cock, squeezed it, and pressed her body to his. Chin raised, she challenged him with a look and waited.
    Creed’s arm shot out, and he crushed her to his chest. “You better be serious, Shada.”
    She kissed him and caught his bottom lip between her teeth. A tiny lick at it with the tip of her tongue made him moan. “I’m serious, as long as it’s your place and not mine.”
    “Let’s go!”
    She pushed at his chest. “I have to clean up first. You’ll have to wait.”
    “I’m the boss, and I say—”
    “Wait for me, Creed. I’m worth it.” Check me out, getting all bold. She spun away from him, ground her ass into his crotch, and walked to the door. At first she thought he would force her back, but he let her go. When she glanced over her shoulder, she saw a lust burning so hot in his eyes that she almost went back and begged him to take her right there.
    Somehow, she made it through work, and then they were off. The last things Shada saw at Marquette’s were Tiffany’s scowl of jealousy and Damen’s knowing smirk. Stefan had disappeared altogether, and Rene had walked off down the street in silence.
    “I think they know,” Shada said, sitting across from Creed in his car. She kicked off her shoes and rubbed a foot.
    He glanced at her and then focused back on the road. “Do you care?”
    “Sounds like you don’t.”
    “Like I said, my lover is my business.”
    “We’re not exactly lovers. This is a one-time thing.”
    “And if I want more?”
    “Whoa. Wait, didn’t you say we’re not going for a relationship?” She held up her hands as butterflies fluttered in her belly. “I’m not in the market for a boyfriend right now.”
    “That surprises me.”
    She frowned. “Why’s that?”
    He shrugged and reached across to touch her lips with a fingertip. The man had an obsession with her mouth. Not that she minded.
    “Something about you. But you’re right. I don’t want permanent attachments other than what I’ve planned for.”
    “Planned for?”
    “Never mind. I’m not asking you to stay with me, Shada. I want your body. You’re very beautiful.”
    She smiled and lowered her lashes. “Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.”
    “Plus you owe me.”
    “Excuse me?”
    “I get to see that luscious body naked. You’ll stand before me so I can have my fill of looking at you.”
    “Oh, I will, will I?”
    “Definitely.” He reached out again, but this time, he flicked her nipple through her blouse. The tiny peak pebbled at his touch, and she squeezed her legs together. She didn’t like the knowing expression on his face and told him so. But no matter how much sarcasm dripped from

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