Creed (The Marquette Family Book One)

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Book: Creed (The Marquette Family Book One) by Tressie Lockwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tressie Lockwood
you are, right now.” His command didn’t depend on him ordering her around, but he raised her off her feet and held her against him. The man’s strength knew no bounds as he held her up while he worked her pussy. She writhed and screamed, wishing she could arch into his thrust. Creed controlled all her movements while bringing her to the edge of sanity.
    “Look at me,” he said.
    Confused, she struggled, and Creed stilled the movements of his hand.
    “No, don’t stop,” she begged.
    “Look at me, Shada. Keep your eyes open while you come.”
    “I can’t. I’ve never been able to do that.”
    She put her head on his shoulder and peered at him through heavy lids. Creed licked her lower lip, and she mewled and shut her eyes. He withdrew.
    “What are you doing?”
    He raised an eyebrow. “I told you to watch while I bring you to orgasm. It gets me off.”
    “You mean you’re a control freak.”
    He squeezed her pussy hard, his fingers moist with her come. She squirmed in his hold, but he didn’t let her loose. Arching into his touch, she managed to get his fingers to sink into her heat, but Creed took them away again.
    “Okay, okay, whatever you want,” she said. “Just let me come.”
    “You’ll come, as much as you want.”
    She nodded, and he pulled his hand out of her pants. With swift movements, he shed her clothing. Not even pausing to be careful, he yanked her pants down her legs and ripped her panties to scraps. She followed suit and tore at her blouse. Tomorrow, she might regret ripping one of the blouses she wore to work, but who the hell cared right now?
    When she wore not a stitch of clothing, Creed picked her up, a hand at either hip, and all but tossed her over his shoulder. They wound up in the living room, and she landed on her back on the couch, with Creed kneeling between her legs. He lapped at her juices as if he had tasted nothing better. Her orgasm rose toward the surface again. This time, she cupped his head in both hands and pushed up to his face, groaning and encouraging him to feast on her.
    Creed wiggled his tongue as deep as he could get it into her wetness. He moaned, sending vibrations through her. When he raised one of her legs, squeezing the back of her thigh, and nibbled at her pussy lips, she shouted his name.
    Creed moved like lightning. He climbed up her body and replaced his mouth with his fingers. He massaged her clit with the pad of a thumb. Shada knew what he wanted. She gripped his arms and stared back at him. The lust, the intensity, his ragged breathing, and most of all, the feel of him playing with her clit, drove her to the place she longed to be. Her orgasm roared through her body, pulsing from her core out to her thighs and belly, seemingly all over. She had never felt one this strong, and she screamed.
    Creed covered her mouth with his. He tasted of her essence, and he held her chin, hungrily kissing her. While he crushed her beneath his weight, making her feel small and feminine, he took her hand and guided it to his pants front. His cock twitched in her fingers, and Creed made her press hard. He grunted and broke their kiss.
    “Where are you going?” she teased.
    He leaned up far enough to tear off his shirt. She drank in the sight of his big chest and tanned skin, the narrow waist, and those hard thighs. Narrowing her eyes, she waited with impatience until he showed her the treasure she had seen once before and couldn’t get out of her head. Creed hopped off the couch to kick his pants and boxers away. Shada reached for his cock, so thick and long. She curled her fingers around it and would have taken it into her mouth, but he pushed her back.
    “But I know you like it. What man doesn’t?”
    “I’m coming inside you, not in your mouth.”
    She gaped. “Um…”
    “I don’t mean it like that.” He found a condom in his wallet and snapped it on with impatient fingers. Creed sat down on the couch and drew her onto his lap, facing him.

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