Creed (The Marquette Family Book One)

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Book: Creed (The Marquette Family Book One) by Tressie Lockwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tressie Lockwood
her lips and how much she teased him about the last time she saw him naked, Creed’s amusement only increased.
    “You don’t care what I say, do you?” she demanded.
    “Baby, all I want you to say to me is yes. And you will say it, all night.”

Chapter Six
    Shada had expected Creed to take her to a hotel, especially with him just as new to the city as she was. When they pulled up to the house on about three acres of land, she blinked in surprise. The two-story stone-exterior house wasn’t exactly a mansion, but the quality of the structure, with a wrought-iron fence that opened with a remote, came through loud and clear.
    “You moved fast,” she commented, but Creed said nothing as they drew to a stop in the wide driveway.
    She followed him inside and paused in the foyer, gasping at the marble floors, the winding staircase, and the high archways leading off into various rooms. Was it lame for her to gawk? She wasn’t sure, but her mouth fell open and her eyes widened all the same. This was how the rich lived, or maybe it was the way they slummed. The house probably didn’t have more than four bedrooms or so, when she had imagined Creed’s house to have no less than ten.
    She glanced over at him as he shut the front door. “This place is—”
    Creed lay a hand at her nape and slid it around to her throat. He moved up close behind her and pushed the other hand between her legs. A rough squeeze had her moaning and her lashes fluttering downward.
    His deep voice sounded in her ear. “Forget the house.”
    He devoured her mouth in a hungry kiss and thrust his tongue inside to steal her breath. Through her pants, he rubbed at her clit until it swelled toward his finger.
    Somehow she managed to free her mouth and turned her head. “C-Creed, I have to call home.”
    He released her with reluctance. She fumbled in her purse for her cell phone. Talk about aggressive—the man was ready to eat her up just like he said he would, and she was all for it. Why she had thought Creed to be a gentle man, she didn’t know. Sure, she’d seen his kindness, but he was strong, and he often fought a temper. Right now, she thought he might tear off her clothes if she didn’t get naked fast enough. Just the idea made her wetter.
    “Hey, Marisa,” she said when her sister answered. “It’s me, sweetie. I’m going to be a little late tonight.”
    As she spoke, she watched Creed walk to the hall table and remove the keys from his pocket. He tossed them on the table and pivoted to face her. In one long stride, he reached her side again, nabbed the phone from her fingers, and spoke into it.
    “Marisa? Creed. Are you okay?” he asked. “Need anything?”
    “I’m fine, thanks,” Shada heard her sister say.
    “Good. She’ll see you in the morning,” Creed said. He tapped the disconnect button just as Shada was about to protest and tossed the phone beside the keys.
    Shada frowned and put her hands on her hips. “Seriously, Creed, I could have talked to her. You didn’t need to handle it.”
    He backed her up until she bumped the door, and he pressed a leg between hers. When he raised it, his hard thigh brushed her pussy, and she caught her bottom lip with her teeth. Creed lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her silly. He raised his head but didn’t move far. “When I say I want to be inside you now,” he whispered against her lips, “I mean it.”
    He snapped the button off her pants with one hand and lowered the zipper. Her gasp turned into a groan when he reached inside her pants, past her panties, and skimmed her clit. Creed’s impatience didn’t allow him to stay there long. He pushed lower until he parted her folds and eased fingers inside her pussy. Shada cried out. She grabbed onto his shoulders and dropped her forehead against his chest.
    “Creed,” she begged, but he ignored her desperate pleas as he stroked his fingers in and out of her pussy. “Fuck it, I’m going to come!”

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