Between The Sheets

Read Online Between The Sheets by Colette Caddle - Free Book Online

Book: Between The Sheets by Colette Caddle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colette Caddle
Tags: FIC000000
get through the day and wine made it slightly easier. When Sylvie was here, Dana kept to her bedroom, unable to cope with the PA's nervous chatter and worried looks. The rest of the time she sat in her office with the door firmly shut and stared at her blank screen. Occasionally she had spurts of creativity and would write a page or two, but when she read it back she always felt it had no vibrancy or pace. It was as if her whole way of looking at things was skewed. She couldn't see the point in carrying on and neither, so it seemed, could her characters.
    She had managed to continue dodging calls from Gretta and Wally, although it wasn't fair to Sylvie. Her PA was looking increasingly stressed and frustrated. It did make Dana feel guilty; just not guilty enough to do anything about it. She didn't worry too much about Gretta. She didn't owe the woman anything. But Wally was different. She knew he must be climbing the walls. She just couldn't deal with his disappointment right now, though. She felt apathetic and jaded and nothing — not even the fact that she was probably throwing away her chance to finally make it big in Ireland and the UK — seemed important any more.
    Dana had never seen herself as the kind of woman that would fall apart over a man. In the past, she had always been the one to leave, and her romances had never lasted longer than a few months. But it was different with Gus. She had found something unique behind those twinkling eyes, and her hard shell had softened in the heat of his charm and passion.
    Dana glanced at the clock. Nearly three o'clock; time for another drink.
    Iris was sitting at the kitchen table polishing cutlery when she walked in.
    'Mrs Johnson — sorry — I mean Dana, can I help you?'
    'No thanks.' Dana went to the fridge to fetch the wine. She was on her way back to the office when she heard the buzzer announcing that there was someone at the gate.
    Iris came out to answer it.
    'I'm not here,' Dana said quickly.
    Iris nodded briefly and took up the handset. 'Hello?'
    'Hello, is Dana there? It's Ashling.'
    'No, I'm afraid—'
    'No!' Dana had stopped and turned around. 'You can let her in. Show her into the sitting room. I'll be there in a minute.'
    'I'm sorry, Mrs Cleary, I was mistaken, she is here. I'll open the gates for you.'
    Dana hurried upstairs and changed out of her pyjamas into jeans and a white shirt. Her hair was greasy so the only thing she could really do was pull it into a knot on top of her head. She sighed when she looked in the mirror at the result. Her skin was pale, and without the miracle of make-up you could see lines around her eyes and mouth. No doubt stress and alcohol had taken their toll. But she didn't really care. Still, she didn't want Ashling to pity her or, worse, tell Gus she was letting herself go. Quickly she slapped on some tinted moisturizer, rubbed some cream blusher into her cheeks and lined her eyes with kohl. She stood back and examined her handiwork. It was only marginally better but it would have to do. She couldn't keep Ashling waiting any longer.
    She took a deep breath before pushing open the door of the sitting room and going to greet her guest. 'Ashling, how lovely to see you.' They hugged briefly and then Dana stepped back to look at the other girl. She was hugely pregnant and it suited her. Ashling's eyes were bright and clear, her hair shone in the afternoon sunlight and she oozed happiness. She was only two years younger than Dana but she could easily pass for thirty. 'My goodness, look at you!'
    'I know, I look like an elephant,' Ashling said but her smile was radiant.
    'You look absolutely wonderful.' Dana gestured to the sofa and looked up to see Iris standing in the doorway. 'Tea?' she asked Ashling.
    'That would be lovely.'
    'And coffee for me, thanks, Iris.' Dana turned back to Ashling. 'How have you been?'
    'Fine, absolutely fine. And you?'
    'I'm fine too.' Dana smiled brightly. She was full of questions: where is he, what's he

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