threatening you, honestly. I just really like him, and I don’t want to lose him because you can’t keep your comments to yourself. So please, be nice to him, okay?”
“He has a record!”
“I know. I told you that he told me all about it.”
“I want to know what he did to get sent to Juvenile Hall for two years.”
“Why? He paid his dues, and it’s over.”
“It’s not over until I say it’s over. Now, what did he tell you he did?”
“The truth!”
“ His version of the truth. I want to know what he told you.”
“He told me…”
“I’m waiting!” my father said, tapping his foot impatiently on the kitchen tile.
“You know what, it doesn’t matter. The records were sealed for a reason. He was only 15. He paid for his mistakes. It’s ancient history! ” I said, using my father’s own words against him.
“Rebecca, don’t you understand that I just want to protect you from making a huge mistake. Parker…”
“He’s a great guy! He doesn’t have a record.”
“No, he’s just perfect, even though he can’t seem to take ‘no’ for an answer!”
“What does that mean?”
“Nothing. Never mind. Daddy, can you please just b e nice to Shane tonight? Give him a chance, okay? For me?” I asked, batting my baby blues.
He finally groaned something that sounded like an ‘okay’ and headed down the hall into his office.
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?
“Hi,” I said when I opened the door.
“Hi.” He smiled and handed me a bouquet of wildflowers.
“Thank you. They’re beautiful!”
“No, you’re beautiful. They pale by comparison.”
I felt the color rise into my cheeks and his smile widened. “I’ll never get tired of that.”
“That beautiful blush.”
I smiled and said, “Then keep smiling, it works every time.”
“I’ll remember that,” he smiled again, waiting for the reaction he was expecting from me. He didn’t have to wait long, my face immediately flooded with color.
My mother came around the corner and said, “Oh, Shane, you’re here. Come in, come in. What can I get you to drink?”
“Oh, I’m fine, thanks.”
“Rebecca, would you help me set the table?”
“I’ll help her.”
My mother nodded and said, “I’ll take you up on that. It’s nice to know there are still men out there willing to lend a hand in the kitchen.”
“Well, it’s just my dad and me, so…”
He helped me set the table and then he filled glasses with water and it wasn’t long before my mother was calling my dad to the dinner table. Thankfully, my sister was staying the night at a friends’ house.
“Smells great,” my dad said, but ignored Shane.
There was a knock on the door. I looked up and prayed it wasn’t who I thought it was. But, no such luck, because just as I suspected, Parker came bounding through the doors and stopped short when he saw Shane standing next to me.
“DAD! How could you?” I yelled, furious.
“I um, I didn’t,” he said, looking surprised.
“Beccs, he didn’t call me.”
“Stop calling me that! I hate that nickname. What are you doing here Parker?” I was no longer trapped between him and his car and I was suddenly incensed by his mere presence. Especially after I specifically told him there was nothing between us and to leave me alone.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude.”
“You’re not intruding,” my father said and started to glance at Shane as if to tell him he was the intruder, but stopped when he saw my glare. “Um, but, we were just about to sit down to dinner,” he said when my glare reminded him he was supposed to be nice.
“Oh, of course,” he looked exhausted, like he hadn’t slept.
“Parker, please go home.”
“Not until I can apologize to you and your parents for my horrific behavior yesterday afternoon.”
I rolled my eyes. “I forgive you. Now please go home.”
“What is he talking about?” my mother
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