Read Online CONVICTION (INTERFERENCE) by Kimberly Schwartzmiller - Free Book Online Page A

Book: CONVICTION (INTERFERENCE) by Kimberly Schwartzmiller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Schwartzmiller
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    “Nothing. It doesn’t matter.”
    “What doesn’t matter?” my mother pushed.
    “You didn’t tell them?” he asked me.
    When I shook my head no, he looked at Shane, “You, either?”
    “Wow, I assumed you would have loved to rat me out. Well, I need to clear my conscience, anyway. I um, I made a mistake yesterday,” he said, addressing my parents.
    “Parker, please just go home. I told you, it’s over…done.”
    He ignored me and kept his eyes on my parents. “I forced myself on your daughter…”
    My father stood up and shouted, “What!?”
    “I mean, I tried to force her to kiss me.”
    I heard my mother let out the breath she’d been holding and saw her sit down in her chair, obviously relieved my virtue was still intact.
    “Parker, you had no right…” my father said.
    “I know. I don’t know what came over me. I’m so sorry. I feel horrible about the whole thing.”
    “What do you mean you tried to force her?” my father pushed.
    “I had her pinned up against my car. I almost went through with it too, but…” he stopped talking for a second and changed tactics, obviously uninterested in mentioning the true hero of the story. “She broke it off with me…and I guess I was angry…and hurt.  But, it was still no excuse.” He turned toward me and said, “I’ll never forgive myself for scaring you like that.”
    “Parker, I told you I forgave you. Now please, just go home.”
    He took a step toward me, “You broke my heart.”
    I sighed. “Parker, please…”
    He turned to Shane and said, “Treat her right…or I swear you’ll be sorry.”
    He walked to the door, but before he opened it, he added, “I hope we can still be friends, Beccs…Rebecca. I’d hate to lose you completely.”
    He walked out the door without another word. He’d made a good show of it, but for some reason, I believed it to be just that…a show.
    “You knew about this and you didn’t tell me?” my father whirled on Shane.
    “Daddy! Stop it! For your information, Shane’s the reason Parker didn’t go through with it! There was no way I could have fought him off. I was trapped and Shane stopped him. Don’t you dare take this out on Shane. He saved me.”
    My father’s attitude changed for the moment. “You stopped him?”
    “I was working and I saw them talking. I didn’t do anything until I saw him pin her to the car. She was scared, even from across the street, I could see it. I told him to back off. I’m not into violence, but there’s no way I would have let him hurt her. I don’t ever want to see her frightened like that again.”
    My mother stood up and said, “Thank you, Shane. Thank you for being there for her.”
    “Thank you,” my father mumbled.
    “Young lady, why didn’t you tell me what Parker did?” my father asked once we were all seated at the dinner table.
    “I don’t know. Shane stopped him, no harm done.”
    “I just can’t believe he’d do that to you. You’ve broken up with him a hundred times before. What made this time so different?”
    I looked over at Shane and said, “I don’t want to talk about Parker, Daddy. Can we just drop it? It’s over…finally,” I sighed in relief. “He’s accepted that I’m with Shane now, and I don’t have to…”
    “What do you mean by that?”
    “By what?”
    “What do you mean you’re ‘with’ Shane now?”
    “What do you think I mean?”
    “I don’t know. Why don’t you explain it!” he said, getting that edge back to his voice. “Or, better yet, why don’t you explain it!” he ordered, looking directly at Shane.
    “Daddy! You’re doing it again! Shane doesn’t owe you an explanation about our relationship.”
    “The hell he doesn’t! You’re a minor…he’s not! He will answer to me or he will be banned from seeing you at all.”
    “No Charlotte! Not this time. I want to hear what this young man, with a criminal record has to say about being ‘with’ my

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