Concealing Grace (The Grace Series Book 1)

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Book: Concealing Grace (The Grace Series Book 1) by Elizabeth Courtright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Courtright
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sir, so I hope you will bear with me. I find your daughter very beautiful. I would like to court her and thought it would be prudent for me to ask your permission first.”
    Luther knew it! He’d been right all along about the admirable captain’s interest in Jessie. “I couldn’t be more pleased!” With a conspiring wink, he added, “I think Jessie is quite taken with you, too.”
    The captain looked away, and Luther was somewhat placated to notice the man did have dents in his otherwise spotless armor. It didn’t take long, however, for his guest’s momentary lapse of confidence to rectify itself.
    “Now that I’m retired from the army and have decided to settle down, I’ve been considering taking a wife,” he said. “Of all of the women in this community, there are none as enchanting as your daughter.”
    “I couldn’t agree with you more!” Luther could barely suppress his thrill.
    The captain went on, “As you know, my horses are my primary concern and what I hope will yield the most profit for the manor. Just this morning, I was able to secure a contract with the army. The income will be considerable, but the demand on my time will be significant. I am desperate for someone to help manage the house.”
    “Oh, quite right! You need a wife. It is critical for a gentleman as busy as you to have a wife to keep a house in order.” This was getting better by the second. An army contract … considerable income … ! Luther’s little girl would be set for life! Still maintaining his decorum, he said, “Do you mind if I ask how many servants you have?”
    “Eighteen in all. Too many to keep track of. Too many to pay. But they are necessary for all the work that needs to be done.”
    “They must be costing you a pretty penny.”
    “They are, but I’ve hired only colored. They’re cheaper.”
    Luther watched the captain take a sip of his whiskey. Thoughtfully, he said, “As you know my dear wife, Eva passed many years ago. Jessica has been taking care of our home for years. I think it would be helpful to mention that we did, at one time, have several slaves. As young as she was, Jessica kept them in line quite well. I assure you she will be up to the task of managing the house at Bent Oak Manor.”
    “I can’t tell you what a relief it is to hear you say that,” the captain said.
    “What you said about hiring colored folk makes good sense,” Luther went on. “I’ve thought about taking on a hand or two myself. To help Trent, you see. It’s been difficult for him without the arm. Unfortunately, since the war, the farm hasn’t been as profitable as I hoped. But if a colored hand costs less, I might be able to reconsider. To be honest, I hadn’t thought of looking in that direction. How, may I ask, did you go about finding the ones you have?”
    The captain shrugged dismissively. “I was advised to go to the railroad tracks along the river. I was told many of them live there in shacks.”
    Luther sat up so fast, the feet of his desk chair grated harshly against the flooring. “My God, man, you didn’t go to Shanty Town by yourself I hope! They’re like savages there. It’s not safe for a gentleman alone!”
    The captain smiled. “No, I didn’t go there myself. Believe it or not, one of them came to me. Quite an insolent cur, I should tell you. The nigger had the audacity to come right up onto my lawn! He said he was looking for work, so I sent him to the railroad tracks and told him to bring me more.”
    Exceeding relieved, Luther slumped back in his chair. “That was wise of you.”
    “Perhaps,” the captain said, “but not picking them myself has been a disadvantage. The field hands I ended up with are so damnably stupid and lazy, they can do nothing unless I’m there overseeing them. And the house niggers are worse. As soon as I come through the door, they run around pretending they were working. I can’t tell you how frustrating it’s been. In the event I need to hire more, which

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