Seconds to Live (Scarlet Falls)

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Book: Seconds to Live (Scarlet Falls) by Melinda Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melinda Leigh
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couldn’t this man be up-front rather than make her drag every bit of information out of him?
    Shock and concern bloomed fresh. “When were you shot?”
    “Long story.”
    So much for keeping her anger in check. What was Mac into?
    She studied his profile. Despite his annoying habit of not telling her anything, she liked him. She’d found him smart, determined, and if she was totally honest, too damned good-looking for his—or her—own good. But as a cop, and maybe a loose friend, she needed to play hardball. His behavior was too odd, and his family had alluded to a past that included a teenage stint in a rehab facility.
    She shoved the gear stick into drive. “I want you to submit to drug and alcohol testing.”
    “OK.” No hesitation or surprise in his voice. Just pure resignation, as if her request was exactly what he’d expected. He went quiet for the rest of the drive.
    Was that because he was innocent? Or guilty?
    Fifteen minutes later, she parked in the ER lot. He opened the car door and stepped out into the humid night.
    Stella got out of the car. “Eventually you’re going to tell me how you got that gunshot wound.” Among other things . . .
    He shut the car door and walked away.
    “Hold on.” Stella locked her vehicle and hurried to catch up. “I’m coming with you.”
    And she wasn’t leaving him until she had some answers.

Chapter Eight
    The ER was Wednesday-night slow, and Mac didn’t have to wait. An hour later, the doctor had finished restitching Mac’s wound.
    He eased back onto the pillow in his hospital bed, his side blissfully numb from the local anesthetic. For the first time since he’d been shot two days before, Mac wasn’t split in two with pain. The downside of less physical discomfort was that the empty space left plenty of room for grief over the deaths of his father and Cheryl.
    And the image of the woman lying in the rain was seared into his optic nerve. He couldn’t get it out of his head. Had he actually seen a woman, or had his mind summoned an image of Cheryl dying in the rain forest?
    He was sure of one thing: he’d seen too much death in the past few days.
    Sorrow came rushing back with a vengeance. Tension in his chest clamped around his lungs.
    “Hello?” Stella’s voice sounded from the other side of the curtain.
    Relieved at the distraction, Mac said, “Come in.”
    The curtain shifted as she stepped up to the side of the gurney.
    Stella Dane.
    Her black slacks and blazer were damp and wrinkled. The downpour had destroyed her uptight bun. He knew instantly why she wore it up. Wet tendrils fell past her shoulders, framing her face and highlighting her gorgeous blue eyes. The shiny wave of black made a man want to plunge his fingers into it, cup the back of her head with both hands, take control of that serious mouth and kiss her until the cop in her eyes melted.
    As far as distractions went, it didn’t get much better than Stella. The first time he’d seen her, she’d been in full uniform. No cop had ever made a uniform look like she had, but body armor had concealed her shape. The new look definitely did not.
    “Your new job suits you.” His comment surprised them both.
    Where did that come from? Usually he was better at keeping his mouth shut, a great life-preserving quality in the circles in which he traveled. But his raw emotions were affecting his self-control. His filter was on the fritz.
    She flushed.
    Silence filled the space. What was there to say? She was waiting for the drug tests to come back. He didn’t blame her for the request. He had a bad track record, and no one knew the truth. But her direct questions had told him Detective Dane wasn’t going to settle for his usual bullshit. She was kind and sympathetic, but she was no pushover.
    Last November he’d discovered she was smart and loyal. Tonight she’d listened to his crazy story. Instead of telling him he was nuts, she’d reacted with common sense and empathy. To a

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