Concealing Grace (The Grace Series Book 1)

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Book: Concealing Grace (The Grace Series Book 1) by Elizabeth Courtright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Courtright
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is probable now that I have this contract with the army, I would prefer to sum them up before I take them on. I might have to go to this Shanty Town place after all. Is it truly as bad as you say?”
    “Oh, it is!” Luther was firm. “Let me put it this way, captain, colored folk can’t take care of themselves. That’s what the Yankee government doesn’t understand. They gave them their freedom, but left them here for us to deal with. On their own, they are not civilized. Now that they’re free, they’ve turned into villains, and they’re bombarding our peaceful Southern streets with their illicit activity. The situation has become intolerable.”
    The captain shook his head. There was no mistaking his disgust. “I agree with you. Our mighty leaders in Washington are ignorant of the facts. They leave us, their good citizens, to suffer. Niggers are much better off in an environment where they can be kept and monitored. Slavery is what they were bred for, and slaves they should remain.”
    Luther had never heard it put quite that way, but he nodded in agreement.
    “As I’m sure you know,” the captain went on, “niggers don’t have the mental capacity to learn anything in a reasonable amount of time. In my case, under our new laws, while I’ve been spending my days training the dogs to do their jobs adequately, I must pay them. It’s ludicrous!”
    “I hear you, Jon,” Luther commiserated. “It’s bad enough Washington has given them the right to vote! They have no idea what they’re doing. But alas, we could spend weeks discussing the mess our society has become with colored folk running amuck. I know you can’t stay long today and I don’t want to keep you. We’ll have plenty of time to talk about this again soon enough, I’m sure.” Grinning, he added, “Right now you’re here for a more pleasant purpose. When do you think you would like to call upon my girl?”
    “Will tomorrow be too soon? About this same time in the afternoon?”
    “Tomorrow will be just fine!” Luther beamed.
    He was still beaming, as he escorted his unexpected, but very welcomed guest to the door. From the window he watched the captain mount his horse—a quite impressive piece of horseflesh, too—and ride off. Then he spun around and hollered loudly, “Jessie! Jessie! Where are you, girl?”
    Within seconds she came running down the hallway. Luther hadn’t meant to alarm her, but it was evident by her expression that he had.
    “What is it, Papa?”
    Grinning widely, Luther buzzed, “Jessie, this is our lucky day! Captain Kinsley was just here. He said he thinks you are one of the prettiest women he’s ever met. No, no, how did he say it? Enchanting and beautiful were the words he used. He wants to court you! He even hinted at the possibility of marriage. I knew it! I knew it!” Clapping his hands, and doing a little jig, he chanted, “My girl is going to be rich! My girl is going to be rich!”
    Righting himself, Luther lowered his voice. “Oh dear, but we’ve got to get you ready! We need to do some shopping. Get your wardrobe in shape. He wants to call on you tomorrow already! Can you believe it? He truly must be smitten. Oh, but how could he not be? He’s right, you know. You are the prettiest girl in all of Tennessee. Just like your momma.”
    * * *
    Jessica was ready for her date with Captain Jonathan Kinsley with thirty minutes to spare. She was wearing the last of her good dresses. It was emerald green, and her father recommended it because he said it brought out the color of her eyes. That morning, he took her to town and ordered three more. They would be delivered within the week.
    Her hands were shaking as she set down her hair brush and rose from the vanity stool. Groaning aloud, she glanced at her clock. It was barely one minute past the last time she looked at it. Her nervousness was overwhelming to the point she felt ill. Parading in circles helped, but nothing could fully subdue the

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