Burn My Soul Part 1

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Book: Burn My Soul Part 1 by Holly Newhouse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Newhouse
Tags: new adult paranormal romance
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shot, just to calm my nerves! I try to make light of the overwhelming sense of danger that's pervading the atmosphere around me.

Chapter 5
    "THERE'S NO WAY the club has been breached by him, Franklin. Jinny was just mesmerized by the flames. Some humans are just more susceptible to them, you know that."
    "I'm telling you, this was different Damien! I heard his voice murmuring in her head. He even blocked me from hearing exactly what he said. I'm going to her right now! She needs my protection."
    "Dammit Franklin! Just hold on a minute. Give the girl a few minutes to adjust to the atmosphere first. If she doesn't calm down and is still freaked out then, by all means, go to her." It's taking all the strength Damien possesses to keep Franklin from rushing to her side. He'll only scare the living hell out of her.
    "Excuse me sir. The workers at the bar are telling me that we have a problem."
    "What's that, Abdiel?"
    "Sir, Franklin's girl, well, she.... she can see us in our true demonic forms beneath the human glamour."
    "I see. Just Leave her be. She's Franklin's mate so, it's perfectly alright." Damien calmly tells Abdiel and then dismisses him.
    Franklin turns white as a ghost, his legs give out under him and he lands heavily in his chair, almost overturning it.
    "There's no way. Only angels can see us in our true demonic forms. I wonder...." Franklin whispers before he falls silent again. His eyes search and find the woman he's loved for centuries.
    Damien and Franklin sit in the VIP section on the second floor. It's off limits to everyone but them tonight. They are hidden just above the dance floor. Undulating flames encased in eternal darkness and smoke hide it extremely well from the human eye.
    The purpose of it is to allow patrons in the VIP section to celebrate in peace and see the patrons in the whole club without being seen themselves.
    At this exact moment, Damien and Franklin are watching the girls as closely as predators watching their prey before the attack.
    Madi orders a plain soda and I ask the bartender to make me the strongest alcoholic drink there is and double it.
    He stands there just staring at me for a second. Cocking his head to the side, he stares intensely at me for a moment. I know he's noted how terrified and shaken up I am. "You got it babe." He replies in a seductive tone.
    Bael knows just what she needs. He mixes the beautiful woman, he now knows is Franklin's mate, a sweet alcoholic drink with a large dose of liquid hellfire to help calm her down.
    Bael can see the innocence in her terrified eyes and was surprised that he didn't want her to be afraid while she's in the club. There is just something about her that brings out the protective instinct in him.
    Madi is chatting away to the male patron to her left, flirting as usual with him. I keep my eyes downcast, afraid to see the demons as they really are. I stand here, unable to stop shaking while that cold chilling voice keeps repeating in my head over and over again.
    When my drink is placed in front of me, I down it all quickly. My throat is burning and I can't help the cough that escapes. I quickly place the money on the counter and ask for another.
    I almost giggle as I see the bartender doing his upmost best not to stare at me in complete shock. It turns into a brilliant and kind smile.
    "It's on the house honey." He says sweetly with a wickedly sexy smile. I can't help but smile right back at him not afraid of seeing his demon side for the first time. I can sense that demon or not, he has a gentle soul.
    "Thank you so very much, you're very sweet and kind." I leave him a five dollar tip for his generosity and slide Madi's drink in front of her in a silent effort to shut her up so we can go and find a table.
    I feel drawn toward the dance floor and notice it's strangely covered in a swirling red mist that appears to be curing around the dancer's legs as if caressing them as it rises from the floor. The dancers sway to and fro,

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