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Book: Burden by Annmarie McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annmarie McKenna
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something off about him.”
    Keegan filed that bit of information away for later analyzing since he’d gotten the same feeling, and latched on to the comment about not bringing home men.
    “He doesn’t bring home many…friends?” Keegan ignored the strained groan behind him and fought a chuckle.
    Caroline finally pulled her hand free and put it over her heart. “Oh, my, no. Never.” She leaned closer to Keegan and whispered conspiratorially, “Too self-conscious.”
    “Shit. Really, Aunt Caroline? I’m s-standing right here.” Brennan shoved Keegan out of the way. The move was the first truly assertive act he’d witnessed from Brennan and made him wonder even more who Brennan had been in the past.
    “Anywho.” Caroline didn’t appear the least bit contrite. She shook her head as if clearing her thoughts and faced her nephew. “This box was on your bottom step, sweetie.”
    Brennan took the box from her and turned it over. “Who’s it from?”
    She patted his cheek. “That I can’t tell you. I just got back from Zumba class, so if you didn’t see who left it, I can’t help. So. What are you boys doing today?”
    Keegan grinned. He liked Brenny’s aunt.
    “Something fun, I hope.” She returned her attention to Keegan. “Brenny doesn’t get out much.”
    Keegan nodded sincerely. “I will most definitely make sure he has fun.” They’d already started having fun when their encounter had taken a detour off a cliff with Tonya. He’d see what he could do about revisiting their course as soon as he got Aunt Caroline out of the apartment.
    Caroline actually clapped with delight. “Oh good. Well then, ta-ta. I had only stopped by to say good morning.” She turned away and headed for the door, but Keegan heard her mumbled parting shot. “And to get rid of Stan .”
    The door clicked shut. Keegan stared at it, wondering what exactly had just occurred. Brennan didn’t move either, and a glance at the man showed he was wondering the same thing.
    Brennan blinked. Aunt Caroline was a force of her own nature. A tornado who did anything and said anything she wanted. A woman who, at the moment, had embarrassed the shit out of him.
    “Sorry ’bout that. Her. Aunt C-Caroline, I m-mean.”
    He dropped the box on the sofa. The sofa where Keegan had just sucked him off. Jesus, what if Aunt Caroline had walked in on them? What if he were still spread out over that sofa with his jeans around his thighs and his junk hanging out? Fuck. He was really going to have to do something about remembering to lock the damn door since his aunt had zero qualms about walking right in.
    “No problem,” Keegan murmured, coming closer in a way Brennan could only view as predatory. “Besides, I kinda like her idea about having fun.”
    Brennan stood his ground and lifted his chin. He licked his lips, his dick going hard in an instant. “I’m not sure that’s the kind of fun she was t-talking about.” Why the hell was he trying to talk Keegan out of sex?
    Keegan snorted out a laugh and tugged Brennan close with a hand around his nape. “I think that’s exactly what your aunt was referring to. She seems to have only your welfare at heart.” He stepped forward, forcing Brennan backward.
    They danced their way across the living area toward one of two doors along the far wall.
    “How do you know w-which one is my bedroom?” Brennan tugged at Keegan’s shirt, stripping it off the man once more.
    “I figure if I hit the bedroom door, we use the bed. If I hit the bathroom door, we go the shower route.”
    “Oh.” Brennan’s back hit the wall between the doors.
    “Have a preference? I mean, it is your home. You could direct me…”
    “Maybe w-we should lock the door this time.” Brennan’s heart pounded so loudly in his ears, he was amazed he’d thought of that little tidbit. Hell, he was shocked as shit he’d remembered it at all considering most days he couldn’t comprehend what a dollar bill was, and at the

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