
Read Online Burden by Annmarie McKenna - Free Book Online

Book: Burden by Annmarie McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annmarie McKenna
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    “I don’t have a name. So let’s have some fun.”
    “I can see straight through you. You’re scared of something. What is it?”
    Brennan sucked in a breath, the flashback disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.
    “I hate it when you do that trance-like shit. Scares the hell outta me.”
    Brennan blinked, trying to get his bearings. Keegan knelt next to him, rubbing Brennan’s hands together as if he were trying to get the circulation going again.
    “I’m s-sorry.”
    “Fuck that sorry shit. How long has this been happening?” Keegan stroked his thumb across Brennan’s eyebrow and then helped him sit up.
    “Not long. J-just for about a m-month or so. Hits me outta the blue sometimes. It’s there and th-then it’s gone.”
    Brennan closed his eyes, still panting hard from his release. “And nothing. I can’t f-fucking remember anything that happened.”
    “What do you see when it hits you?”
    Brennan licked his lips and sighed, thinking back to the flash of memory. “A w-woman. A redhead. Sexy but too much makeup. Hooker?” The thought made his stomach flip. What would he have been doing with a hooker? Except, thinking of the woman didn’t make him hard, and if he had a thing for her, surely, at the very least, he’d have some reaction to her. He had nothing. And he wasn’t sure what made him think of her as a hooker, but it felt right somehow. “She’s trying t-to tease m-me, but she’s scared of something. Her name is Tonya. A car. A barrier. Sparks, trees, fire.”
    “Tonya what?” Keegan had picked up a pen from somewhere and was making notations on a piece of paper from the file.
    “Tonya. What’s her last name?”
    “Who’s Tonya?”
    Keegan turned to him then, confusion written all over his face. His eyebrows were slanted together, his eyes slits. “Brennan, you just told me the woman’s name was Tonya.”
    “I did?” Brennan sat forward and propped his elbows on his knees, desperately trying to recall what he’d said.
    “Yes. You said, ‘She’s trying to tease me, but she’s scared of something. Her name is Tonya.’ Then you said a car, a barrier, sparks—”
    “Holy shit.” Brennan shot off the couch, his jeans around his thighs nearly making him take a nosedive onto the coffee table.
    “Whoa.” Keegan gripped the waistband of Brennan’s jeans just in time, keeping him upright.
    Keegan’s knuckles grazed Brennan’s bare butt cheek, but he barely felt it or the hand that grasped his and guided him to sit again.
    Brennan swallowed hard. His brain swam. He’d remembered something more than a fleeting snippet. He’d given her a name to go with the face that haunted him night after night. It was like flicking on a light bulb. Suddenly a dozen things slammed into him at once.
    “We’d m-met at a café, a truck stop. She’d called m-me and said she had information for me, but I had to meet her right then or she was gone. She tried to play it off like there was n-nothing wrong, tried to m-make me want her. I could see she was s-scared of someone or something, but she wouldn’t tell m-me who. Said we had to leave.”
    He squeezed his eyes shut, felt the soothing touch of Keegan’s hand on his back, rubbing small circles. Dammit. It was right there. Right on the tip of his tongue. Why couldn’t he fucking remember what happened next?
    “W-we got in my car and drove.”
    “Relax,” Keegan whispered in his ear, the smooth sound calming him. “Don’t push this or it will be that much harder to retrieve.”
    “You s-sound like fucking M-Michael.”
    “Uh, yeah, don’t ever say the words fucking and Michael in the same sentence again.” Keegan’s fingers squeezed Brennan’s shoulder, and Brennan snorted despite the situation.
    Grinding his palms into his eyes, Brennan snarled in defeat. “Jesus. That’s the f-farthest I’ve gotten in the past year.” He turned and looked at Keegan. “What the fuck are

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