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Book: Burden by Annmarie McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annmarie McKenna
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Chapter Eight
    Keegan smiled. “ What am I? A man. Who am I?” He shrugged and leaned closer, breathing in the scent of Brennan’s neck. “Maybe someone who can help you find out what happened on that mountain.” He lipped at the skin just below Brennan’s jaw, waiting for the other man to back off or realize what they’d done and put a stop to it. Instead, Brennan tilted his head, offering better access.
    “Whatever,” Brennan said distractedly. “You could say you were M-Mahatma Gandhi, for all I care right now.” He rubbed his forehead against Keegan’s, his eyes turning sad. “I’m not really sure I w-want to remember what happened, ya know?”
    Keegan cradled Brennan’s head and swiped his thumbs over his cheekbones, forcing his eyes up so he could look into those bottomless depths. “Remembering it would help you heal, and if I can be the one to help, I will.”
    “You don’t even know m-me.”
    “I don’t need to. Annndd…I’ve sucked you off. I know what you taste like. Surely that gives me some kind of in.”
    Brennan groaned and attacked Keegan’s mouth, meshing their lips together. Long seconds later, breathing hard, Brennan broke the kiss and stood as if his pants were on fire. “Just call me easy.” He pulled his jeans up and zipped them over his semi-erection.
    Keegan licked his lips, recalling the feel of the smooth hardness on his tongue and the sweet saltiness of Brennan’s come. He stood too. “If you’re easy, then I must be greedy because I told you last night I shouldn’t have touched you.” He grabbed his discarded shirt and yanked it over his head, but not before reaching out and running his fingers over the long scars on Brennan’s abdomen. “I can’t seem to keep my hands off you.”
    Brennan gave him a shy smile before moving away and picking up his own shirt. He’d just tugged it over his head when there was a sharp rap on the door. A second later, it flew open.
    Keegan had his holster unsnapped and his weapon almost drawn as a tiny pixie of a woman blew in. She was the quintessential image of what he imagined the term bluehair would look like. A whole lot of gray-blue hair piled on top of the head of a person who, remarkably, didn’t resemble an elderly lady. So the hair was sort of out of place. She looked like a little ninja in disguise.
    Jesus. He’d almost killed an innocent old woman.
    The question was, had he done it to protect himself, or Brennan?
    “Knock, knnnooockk…” She swaggered into the room and then came to a surprised halt after toeing the door closed, her gaze coming to rest on Keegan. “Oh, my. Brenny, you’ve been keeping things from me.”
    Keegan hid a smile but glanced at Brennan, whose cheeks reddened. Brenny? he mouthed.
    Brennan’s top lip slid upward in a snarl, and Keegan wanted to kiss him again.
    The woman practically purred and sashayed toward Keegan, a box under one slim arm. She pushed an age-spotted hand in his direction, her lips pursed in a pout, and Keegan envisioned a 1920s flapper. He took her hand in his and gently kissed her knuckles. It was the only thing he could do faced with such a proposition.
    “I…I d-don… No.” Brennan shook his head in denial of keeping things from her, and Keegan smiled.
    Poor baby. Flustered by the eccentric woman who could only be the aunt who lived in the main house.
    “Aren’t you handsome. Brenny? Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?”
    “Y-yes. K-Keegan, my Aunt Caroline. Aunt Caroline, K-Keegan…”
    Keegan would have shaken the woman’s hand, but she hadn’t yet relinquished his. “Keegan Monroe, ma’am. Pleased to meet you.”
    “Mmm, yes. Keeeeegan.” She lifted a brow, and Keegan was half-afraid she might lick him. He looked to Brennan for help but found the other man trying hard not to laugh.
    “It’s certainly time Brenny brought someone home other than that Stan character. Never did like him much. Too stuffy, if you ask me. Just

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