Blinded by Grace: Book Five of the Cotillion Ball series (Crimson Romance)

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Book: Blinded by Grace: Book Five of the Cotillion Ball series (Crimson Romance) by Becky Lower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becky Lower
way to deal with Simon and the situation he was causing them.
    She inhaled a deep breath, and then pasted a smile on her face. “You’ll never guess who I ran into yesterday on the street, Mother. Jasmine Fitzpatrick, or rather O’Shaughnessy, now that she’s married.”
    “Really, dear? How nice.”
    Her mother had lost all interest in the goings-on of society since marrying Simon. Grace was undeterred, but her smile wobbled a bit. She took a deep breath.
    “She’s going to have a baby in the fall, and is only just now beginning to show. And she told me all about her dress shop, which is doing a tremendous business. Isn’t it wonderful?”
    “Yes, of course, but you must use caution when you meet people on the streets, Grace. You never know who might be lurking in the shadows, waiting to relate your goings-on to Simon. If he were to get wind of you cavorting with the Fitzpatricks, he’d be even stricter with us. Life is hard enough as it is. Please don’t make things more difficult.”
    Grace bit her lower lip. Her mother may have given up, but Grace still had some fight left in her.
    “We weren’t exactly cavorting, Mother. Merely holding a pleasant conversation on the street. You and I used to love to walk around in the park and talk to the people we met. We haven’t done that in over a year. You were not very gracious to Mrs. Fitzpatrick last week, when she talked about inviting us out to Jasmine’s husband’s racetrack later on this year. The Fitzpatricks are such pillars in the community, Mother; do you not think it would be harmful to our family’s reputation if we turned our backs on them entirely?”
    “I was merely trying to prevent Simon from causing a scene if and when the invitation comes in. He’s already told us what few events he will allow us to attend this season, and an outing to the Bronx is not among them. I hope she took my indifference for what it was, and ultimately decides not to extend us an invitation. I’m trying to avoid trouble.”
    “But Simon does business with the Fitzpatricks’ bank, and the trust money from Father is there. I don’t think it’s wise to close the door on them completely, but I may have a solution.”
    Sophie Huffman picked up a cool, damp cloth and placed it over her eyes. “And what, pray tell, is your solution? Please hurry, dear, for I fear another headache is coming on.”
    Grace glanced over at her mother, who pulled her feet up onto the sofa and reclined back.
    “I can understand Simon’s concern about spending an entire weekend in the Bronx, riding Mr. Wickersham’s horses and checking out the new racetrack, but Jasmine invited me out for the day, this coming Friday. If I take her up on her offer, and spend the day with her, then, later, when we send our regrets for the weekend, it won’t be a slight, just merely that we have other obligations.”
    “Hmmm.” Sophie removed the cloth and pinned her daughter with her gaze. “What you say does have some merit.”
    Grace’s heart began to thump, and she cautioned herself not to get too far ahead of the game. She was a long way from sealing this deal.
    “Jasmine told me she and Parr will be attending the Haversham ball on Friday night, so they can bring me back into town and drop me here beforehand. I would only need the carriage in the morning, and the driver can turn right around and come back here. I know how Simon hates having to pay a driver to sit around and wait for us.”
    “We are going to the Haversham ball ourselves on Friday evening. You could pack a gown for the evening and change into it before you leave Jasmine’s. Then she and Parr wouldn’t need to bring you here. You could meet us at the ball and we’ll come home from there together. It’s best if the Fitzpatricks’ carriage doesn’t show up on our doorstep.”
    The pasted-on smile disappeared from Grace’s face, and was replaced by a genuine one. “What a great plan, Mother! Why didn’t I think of it? So,

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