Bigfoots Don't Do Mini Coopers (Kate Storm Book 1)

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Book: Bigfoots Don't Do Mini Coopers (Kate Storm Book 1) by Meredith Allen Conner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meredith Allen Conner
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waiting until I’d left my office for the day before dumping the body of one of my clients, who knew what else they had done to try and frame me?
    And given Al ’s estimated time of death, I’d more than likely been the last person to see the senator in person. Aside from the murderer, of course.
    “ Like I said, Doll. I’m happy to get rid of it for ya.”
    I grinned. Despite the circumstances, I couldn ’t help it. The senator had to be a good hundred and seventy pounds heavier than Big Al.
    And he was now, quite literally, dead weight.
    I swallowed a few times. Held my breath. When I was positive I wouldn’t need the services of my trashcan once more, I kissed his nose. “Thanks, Al. But I’m thinking we’re gonna need another set of hands with this one.”
    He curled his upper lip. “ You gonna call Ass?”
    I ignored his rude nickname for my boyfriend. One thing at a time here.
    “No, I’m going to call Morgan. I think she’s free tonight. She’ll know what to do.” My UDBF is the best body disposer I know of.
    I was not terribly comfortable with placing the call. Fortunately, I knew she ’d be thrilled. Death and vampires go hand in hand.
    I ’ve had this sneaking suspicion for a while that Morgan might be slightly more bloodthirsty than the average vamp. However, since that’s come in handy more than once, I really can’t complain.
    I pulled my phone from my back pocket. I ’de placed the phone in a bowl of rice last night to dry it out. Thankfully, it worked. Morgan is number one on my speed dial, Aunt Tabitha number two and Ash number three.
    Other than the Italian restaurant, I don ’t have any other numbers in my address book.
    She answered mid-ring. “ Hey Chicky.”
    “ Hey Morgan. Are you free right now?”
    “ Yeah, I am.” She laughed. “You know, the last time you asked me that question we had,” she paused. Probably considered how un-secure cell phones calls are, the latest government eavesdropping scandal, then continued, “a situation to handle.”
    “ Funny you should mention that,” I said.
    “ You’ve got to be kidding me.”
    “ This is not something I can joke about anymore.” I looked at the body sprawled on the concrete slab, feet from my door. “More like never ever again.”
    “ I’ll be right there.”

    9. Body Dumping 102.
    The really great thi ng about vamps is that when they say I’ll be right there, they mean it.
    Flying cuts down on all sorts of traffic.
    I was still pondering the length of time tonight’s endeavor might take, how long I truly needed to get ready for my date, creating a mental list of Things I Should Be Concerned About with my current situation and whether I should call Ash now or not, when Morgan arrived.
    Have I mentioned my tendency to ignore the nastier side of reality - even when it is less than ten feet aw ay - and find something, anything , else to concentrate on?
    Duck and dodge. It ’s a leftover survival mechanism from my Witch Academy days.
    “ I know you’re cursed Kate, but this is taking it a bit too far, don’t you think?”
    UDBFs can get away with all sorts o f irritating comments. Especially when you’re the one who called them to help dump the body in the first place.
    Also, as the sun was still out, I knew she ’d put on UVBGone in order to come help me. UVBGone does just what it says. Morgan hates it.
    She was a llowed an irritating comment. ONE irritating comment.
    As per her usual, Morgan looked like she held the starring role in an XXX-rated dominatrix film. A really good XXX-rated dominatrix film.
    I’d recently learned that a dominatrix role wouldn’t be a stretch for her. At all. Go Morgan.
    Red hair curled in a complicated twist with strategic strands escaping to linger around her face and over her shoulders in a deliberate come hither manner. A leather bustier in a complimentary shade of blood emphasized her bus t and itty-bitty waist while leaving her shoulders bare to moon over. Her skin

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