Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed [Good Will Ghost Hunting 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Book: Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed [Good Will Ghost Hunting 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Tymber Dalton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tymber Dalton
Tags: Romance
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his thoughts for a moment while he watched Ryan cook. “She’s a good person. She’s a total, complete innocent. You’re not trying to bring her into The Firm, are you?”
    Ryan slammed a pot onto the stove and jabbed his wooden spoon in the air at Aidan, spattering béarnaise sauce on the counter in the process. “What did I just tell you, Faust?” Ryan’s voice rose, loud and strident. “Do not question me or what I must do! I have my reasons. That’s all you need to know.”
    Aidan studied the other man. “You won’t tell me what’s going on because you don’t want Will to find out. Tell me I’m wrong.”
    Ryan’s shoulders slumped. “Drop it, please. Just do as I ask.” He waved his hand and Aidan disappeared, sent back to Tampa. Ryan looked at the food, then dumped it in the sink and used the garbage disposal to take care of it.
    He’d lost his appetite. Aidan was a man with a good heart. A truly good heart. He was loyal and loving and protective of those he considered friends and family.
    Unfortunately, Ryan didn’t need a good-hearted man. What he needed was a well-positioned sneak to push Kal and Will together and get the ball rolling. Aidan had done everything possible except throwing a blanket over Kal and buying her a chastity belt to keep Will away from her.
    He sighed. That left him with only one alternative, the one he’d hoped he wouldn’t have to resort to. Besides being risky, it would make him even less popular than he already was. Not that popularity was a huge concern of his. Unfortunately, there was no other way.
    After washing the dishes, Ryan walked to the living room, sat on the couch, and closed his eyes. Once done, he couldn’t undo it. He allowed himself no grief, no regret. The past was over, no matter how much he wished he could relive it. Will had to return to The Firm. Despite Ryan’s repeated attempts throughout the years, Will had steadfastly refused to rejoin them. Ryan had hoped Will wouldn’t force his hand, allowing him the chance to pursue a little happy ever after of his own for a change.
    It wasn’t to be.
    Considering his position, perhaps that was for the best after all. His own happiness was irrelevant. He had a job to do.
    Ryan touched his dark red garnet amulet and muttered a low, rumbling incantation dredged from the bowels of his memory. As the dark mist gathered and congealed in front of Ryan, he gave it the information it needed before sending it on its way. Then he stood and walked to the kitchen. There he poured himself three fingers of bourbon, straight, and downed it.

Chapter Six
    After several weeks in Tampa, Kal received news that the network had set up a huge out-of-town shoot in Gainesville. Kal had never been there before. They would investigate two locations over several days. She packed for the trip, relieved to know she’d be riding with Aidan. She’d come to look forward to road trips with him, enjoyed the hours spent laughing at his goofy sense of humor and their playful banter.
    All in all, in the time she’d been part of the Otherworlds crew she’d spent maybe a total of six hours in close proximity to Will Hellenboek. All of that time with his stony, unsmiling gaze trying to focus anywhere but on her.
    The Great Brooding One really was a mystery of epic proportions. Perhaps the show should investigate him .
    Kal had learned to not ask Aidan too much about Will, because he wouldn’t answer and it made him uncomfortable ducking her questions. Instead, she observed. She got good at eavesdropping on their conversations in the office and watching Will’s interactions with others in a group. Will never smiled, but no one got the same chilly reception she did.
    She was the only girl on the crew.
    Come to think of it, the only times she saw Will interact with women were in restaurants or with hotel staff. Even those conversations he kept to clipped, short exchanges, the bare minimum needed to complete a transaction. Oddly enough, fans

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