To Be a Family (Harlequin Superromance)

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Book: To Be a Family (Harlequin Superromance) by Joan Kilby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Kilby
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have to admit, the timing of Tuti’s conception sucks.”
    “Trust me, I won’t be having another kid in a hurry. It’s hard
enough looking after one kid let alone two.”
    Katie’s eyebrows went up. He clamped his mouth shut, wishing he
hadn’t let slip he was having trouble being an instant dad. When Riley had
fallen in love with Paula and found a son in Paula’s boy, Jamie, he’d been
frankly envious of his friend’s happiness and new family. Now he wondered how
Riley played his role as father to Jamie with such ease. Then again, Jamie was
born Australian and Paula was responsible for most of Jamie’s care.
    “I guess kids cluttering up your bachelor pad will cramp your
style with the ladies.”
    Where did she get this impression he was some kind of lothario?
Was it Riley? He was going to have to speak to his mate. “Can you stop with the
cracks about my so-called bachelor pad? It’s just a modest town house.”
    “From what I hear it’s got a revolving bedroom door. You can’t
bring a stream of women through with Tuti there.”
    “I’ve had one girlfriend, Trudy, in
the past six months. I’m not with her anymore.” Probably a good thing. He had a
hard time visualizing the party girl in a maternal light. “I did go out with
another woman, Deborah, once or twice but I haven’t seen her since I came back
from Bali and don’t intend to. Although, frankly, it’s none of your damn
    “You asked for my help with Tuti. I’m simply giving you my
expert opinion.”
    “Did I ask for your opinion on my lifestyle? I’ve already
figured out it will have to change.” He leaned in to give her a wolfish grin.
“Unless your interest in my love life means you’re angling to become the next
woman in the revolving door.”
    She rolled her eyes. “While we’re having this heart-to-heart,
you can stop flirting with me at every opportunity. It makes me
    “Every opportunity? That would be once every three months when
I run into you by accident at the pharmacy or something.”
    “That’s four times a year too many.” She frowned, tapping her
chopsticks on the table. “I can’t help Tuti on an ongoing basis if I feel
uncomfortable around you.”
    Did that mean she was considering tutoring his daughter? John
smartened up and got serious. “I didn’t realize my innocent, lighthearted
comments were so offensive.”
    “They’re cheap, throwaway passes. Superficial, the way you are
now.” A flash of pain crossed her face. “Talk like that diminishes what we used
to have.” Then she sat back and pushed her empty bowl away. “Not that I care
    Superficial—him? Well, that was news. He had interests, as much
as anyone else. Okay, it had been a while since he’d been surfing. He didn’t
have time what with keeping Summerside safe from criminals and all. If she was
talking about the women he went out with, well, they weren’t into settling down.
That’s why he chose them.
    “I had no idea I upset you so much,” he said stiffly. “I don’t
know how else to communicate with you. You refuse all overtures. You won’t be
friends and talk naturally—”
    “Friends?” she cut in. “How can we be friends after what you
    “After what I did? How about what you did?” He leaned forward.
“Or should I say, didn’t do?”
    “You wanted me to cut off both my breasts,” she hissed. “I was
right not to, as it turned out.”
    “That’s still a matter of opinion. Yes, you survived and beat
the cancer but what evidence do you have that your natural remedies actually
    She spread her arms wide, indicating her fit, healthy body.
“The evidence is sitting before you.”
    She looked good, no question. She always looked good to him,
even when she was bloated and her hair had fallen out.
    “What if you were to have a recurrence?” She turned her gaze
away. He pushed harder. “Would you do anything different?” Still she didn’t say
anything. “What

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