Michael’s Wife

Read Online Michael’s Wife by Marlys Millhiser - Free Book Online

Book: Michael’s Wife by Marlys Millhiser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marlys Millhiser
well. She worked on it until her head ached, tossing on the bed until the cover was rumpled. Everything she thought of sounded just as silly as the truth.
    If I had someplace to go, I’d just leave . No one would really care. They’d be relieved to get rid of her. She couldn’t be any more miserable someplace else or more degraded. It’s awful being Laurel !
    The sounds from the courtyard had been providing a faint background for her thoughts for some time. It gradually intruded on her senses—the sound of splashing water.
    Jimmy’s scream brought her off the bed and to the door. She was on the balcony and then running down the stairs before she saw them in the pool.
    Jimmy clutched Michael around the neck, his blond head thrown back, pudgy legs trying to crawl up his father’s chest away from the water. Claire stood a few feet away in what looked like a black tank suit.
    â€œFor Christ’s sake, settle down. Now, go to Claire. Just relax and let yourself float.” Michael had to force the child’s arms from around his neck and then pushed him toward Claire.
    â€œConsayla.” Jimmy choked down water before he reached the safety of Claire’s arms.
    â€œNow turn him around and send him back.”
    By the time she reached the edge of the blue pool Laurel’s panic had turned to anger. “What are you doing?”
    â€œI’m teaching my son to swim, obviously. Come on, Jimmy. You’re doing fine.” Beads of water clung to the black hair on his chest and arms.
    â€œHe’s too young. Look at him. He’s terrified.”
    â€œConsayla.” And the sobbing child was passed back to his father, turned around, and sent skimming back to Claire.
    â€œIf he’s going to live here, he’d better learn to swim.”
    â€œHe’s not even two. Stop it!”
    â€œI was swimming by the time I was one.” Michael hoisted Jimmy out of the water onto the flagstone. “That’s all for now, son.” He lifted himself out of the pool in one quick graceful movement, dripping water on Laurel as she knelt to pick up Jimmy.
    She wrapped him in a towel and held him close. “Hush, baby, hush.”
    Michael stopped toweling himself and watched her, cocking his head to one side. “Is there really a mother instinct in you, Laurel? Or is this for show?” The soft irony was back in the deep voice.
    â€œI feel sorry for him. Anybody would—poor kid.” She stared back with all the defiance she could muster. I hate this man , she told herself and then looked away. She didn’t like the word “hate.”
    Claire had covered her ugly swimsuit with a towel; she had thick legs for a woman her size. “Come on, sweety. Claire will find some warm dry clothes for you,” she said, taking Jimmy from Laurel and walking off with him. Laurel had never heard Claire call him anything but “bad boy” before.
    â€œLet’s get one thing straight, Laurel. There will be no interference between Jimmy and me. You walked out on that right two years ago.” Michael followed Claire across the flagstone.
    I’ve got to get out of here . Laurel fled to the shadows of the arcade and almost stepped on Evan Boucher.
    â€œHi.” He wore a lab coat over rumpled blue jeans. His soft hazel eyes watched her expectantly.
    â€œIs that the only word you know?”
    Evan blushed and looked down at his dirty tennis shoes.
    â€œI thought you were supposed to be in the lab.” She hadn’t been very nice to this boy, but she didn’t trust him.
    â€œI heard the kid screaming and came out to see what was the matter.”
    â€œAnd saw the whole thing, I suppose?” Laurel sat in a wicker chair and looked across the courtyard. Michael walked along the balcony and stopped outside Jimmy’s room to watch them.
    â€œYeah. You don’t seem to be everybody’s favorite member of the family.” He sat in the

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