Bigfoots Don't Do Mini Coopers (Kate Storm Book 1)

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Book: Bigfoots Don't Do Mini Coopers (Kate Storm Book 1) by Meredith Allen Conner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meredith Allen Conner
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the concrete.
    “ Don’t come out here until I’ve checked out the body.” Al looked up at me. “Okay?”
    “ Sure, Al.” I didn’t mind. I could tell the body was already dead. The blue and white flag piercing the neck and the unnatural stiffness screamed “totally dead and not coming back” to me.
    That and I needed a moment.
    I gripped the edge of the door and concentrated on breathing while my mind whirled. Another dead body. At my back door. Again.
    Why me? may not have been the most sympathetic response, but I could not dredge up much else.
    I am a nice witch. Really I am. I am also heartily sick of dead bodies appearing at my back door.
    I’d thought the new office would be a refreshing start. New digs, fresh paint and no memories of murder scenes. Now I could kiss that plan goodbye.
    Should I be a little more concerned? Horrified? Freaked out? At the very least curious? Maybe. But follow me here, I ’d just come off a similar experience a few weeks back. One in which I’d almost lost my own life. Not to mention my UDBF’s life.
    Un-Dead Best Friend. Morgan.
    If we had died, I KNOW that psycho vampire assassin would have gone after my aunt and Big Al.
    I still have the occasional nightmare.
    My dead-body-discovery-emotional-response quotient had been all used up for the month.
    “He’s dead. Human and dead.” Al sat down on the opposite side of the body. He looked at me over a shirt and jacket that looked vaguely familiar. “I’d say he was killed about four hours ago.”
    I took his hit man word for it.
    “I was here four hours ago. He couldn’t have been killed here.” I would have heard the scream for sure. Plus the blood pooled underneath the body seemed way too small for the large wound in the neck.
    Someone had dumped a body at my back door. Again. Damn it all.
    And a human one at that. Not good. There are laws when it comes to killing humans. Laws and concrete cells.
    I shivered.
    Did I have some sort of dead body attraction curse in addition to the other one? I . . . That shirt and jacket looked more and more familiar by the minute. I didn’t know anyone who dressed as if they had just stepped out of an Eddie Bauer magazine.
    Oh shit.
    I took a couple steps closer, leaned down and used my wand to unfurl the flag. Light from my office cut through the encroaching evening shadows and highlighted the words “Vote for Tom Crawford” in red lettering, center of the white stripe. Blue edged the top and bottom of the campaign advertisement.
    The patriotic coloring struck me as phony as the senator had been until I realized the w ords were not written in red. They were covered in the esteemed candidate’s blood. Crimson streaks ran in grisly streams from the words.
    I made it to my trashcan seconds before I unloaded the contents of my stomach.
    So much for my non-emotional response.
    A nd there went my healthy checkbook.
    I ’m not proud of that response. It’s shallow. Uncaring. And does not speak well for me as a witch.
    It is what it is.
    “You okay, Doll?” His warm nose pressed into the skin near my elbow.
    I gagged some more. After several dry heaves, I was able to regain some control over my stomach and sat back on my heels. Al promptly climbed into my lap.
    “ Ya need me to get rid of the body?” His bulging brown eyes widened in earnest concern as he offered his services. There may have been a hint of anticipation in them as well.
    I ’m sure he relished the thought of indulging in the old days.
    Reality completely set aside. As usual.
    “Thanks, Al.” I scratched him between the ears. “Just give me a minute and I’ll be fine.”
    More like add to my nightmares . It didn’t matter, I still had to deal with reality.
    I stiffened as the scope of the situation hit me. Turning to look through the doorway, I cursed. “ Shit. I’m going to have to get rid of another body.”
    I know a set up when I see one. At least I do now. If someone had gone through all the trouble of

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