
Read Online 9781631054747HerstoBearHoffa by Tamara Hoffa - Free Book Online

Book: 9781631054747HerstoBearHoffa by Tamara Hoffa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara Hoffa
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coming to an end and if he just keeps pacing it will stall the inevitable.”
laughed and reached for the pot of coffee on his desk, he poured a cup and
added plenty of sugar and cream, then he sat down behind the desk and took a
long sip before directing his attention to Martin.
    “ Zweite, sitzen sie! Second, sit. You are making me
sat on the edge of the arm chair facing Bern’s desk. “What are we going to do
about Von Drake?”
aren’t going to do anything. Jenna and I will go to dinner, with a few guards
of course as a precaution, and hopefully have a lovely time.”
you insane? What if it’s a trap?”
raised one eyebrow at Martin, and a low growl issued from his throat. The look
in his eye guaranteed to quell the attitude coming from his subordinate.
sorry, Sippe . I did not mean to
question your judgment.”
Drake is not a fool. If he wanted to set a trap for Jenna or me, he would not
send out an invitation. Why not just paint a big red target on his own back? Everyone in our clan would know he was the
culprit and none would stop until he was destroyed.” Bern rose and walked to
Martin’s side, slamming his fingers against Martin’s temples. “Think man,
think. He would have to be the insane one to try something like that.”
looked down and to the left, baring his neck to his alpha. “You are right,
leaned forward and hugged his second, placing his forehead to the other man’s
for a moment. “I appreciate your concern, my friend. You are a good second, but
you must learn to curb your hot head and think things through. You are young
yet. Time will teach you well.”
turned to Guiles, “Did you determine how the young wolf got through our
that is the part that has me stumped. It’s almost like he had a cloaking spell.
None of our trackers could find any hint of his scent, either from his coming
or his leaving.”
smelled his scent clearly enough in Andy’s store,” Bern interjected.
    “I know , that’s what makes it so odd.”
searched the area, but couldn’t find any tracks or scent.” Guiles studied the
pattern in the throw rug on the floor. “I’m sorry, sir. I don’t know what else
to do.”
up patrols in the area along the western border. Add some wolves to those
patrolling that sector, maybe they’ll smell something we’re missing.”
went back behind his desk and poured another cup of coffee. “Anything else I
need to know about?”
cleared his throat. “Janice Hilliard’s son, Boyd saw a man with an infrared
scope and a tranq gun sneaking around the edge of town after dark last night.
He followed him back to a camp about ten miles outside town. Boyd told his
momma, and she told her friends and you know how that goes. Now the whole town
is rumbling about , HUNTS Humans United Negation Team
for Shifters.”
    “Crap, that’s all we need.”
    “It’s just rumors at this point, but I think we should check
it out.”
    “Definitely, better safe than sorry, but I don’t want any
trouble. Send a recon team in first. Find out if these yahoos are even in the
hate group to start with before we do anything. If they are, then we’ll have to
decide what to do. For the moment, do not approach them. Investigate, only.
    Both men stood. “Yes, sir,” they answered together.
    “We done for now?”
    They nodded, “Dismissed.” Bern flipped on his computer and
Guiles and Martin left the room.
    Bern tried to concentrate on the invoices for his lumber
company, but he couldn’t get the thought of the possible threat to his clan out
of his mind. Were the campers in the woods really from the HUNTS group or was
his clan merely being paranoid?
    Shifters had never been a threat to the human race. While by
nature shifters were violent, violence against humans had never been tolerated.
It was a death sentence to a

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