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Book: 9781631054747HerstoBearHoffa by Tamara Hoffa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara Hoffa
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shifter to attack a human. Before they had come
out, it was necessary to keep their secret, now it was necessary to keep the
peace that balanced on the head of a pin.
    Shifters were stronger and faster than humans, they healed
faster and lived longer, but in one area they were seriously lacking. Numbers. Shifters were outnumbered by humans by millions to
one. If the human population decided they truly were a threat they would end up
in cages or worse.
    Shifters would be forced to go back into hiding, living in
the wild, or in a cage. Not much of a choice. While Bern loved his bear, he
loved his human half too. He had no desire to live a feral life. He liked
living in a house, shopping in stores and eating cooked food. Hey, he was a
civilized bear.
    If however, the men in the woods turned out to be from HUNTS
there was no reason they couldn’t just ‘disappear.’ His bear murmured his
    Bern turned his attention back to his computer and the
invoices. The day passed quickly and before he knew it the alarm on his
wristwatch was dinging, three o’clock. Time to go and pick up
his pretty Jenna.
    * * * *
Reed drove deep into the Smokey Mountains. The location of the research
facility was hidden from everyone, it couldn’t even be found on satellite as it
was buried deep underneath the mountain. He wanted to check on the status of
the wolf cubs they had acquired, aka kidnapped, one last week and one a month
pulled up to what looked like a solid rock wall and stopped his truck. Exiting
he found the hidden panel and entered the code that opened the wall. The
shifters knew of the existence of HUNTS, but what they didn’t know, what most
of the members of HUNTS didn’t even know, was that a secret branch of the
government was funding the organization. They had their own agenda, and John
was part of that plan. A former Special Forces operative, he knew the secrets
others only dreamed about, or found in their worst nightmares, depending on
your perspective.
massive compound thrived inside the mountain. John parked just outside the
elevators to the lower levels. He swiped his security pass and descended to the
seventh level, Doctor Montrose’s laboratory.
elevator doors swung open to reveal a pristine laboratory, complicated machines
and gadgets covered every surface, gleaming stainless steel tables, and glass
fronted cabinets. White coated technicians scurried about, doing who knows
what, but what drew John’s attention were the glass cages along the wall
containing the specimens he and his brethren had collected.
    Six of
the cages were now full, they needed a total of ten to
complete the testing. Doctor Montrose looked up from her microscope and spotted
him. “John, how good to see you.”
Doc. How are things going?”
the testing is going well. I think we are really on to something this time,”
she replied.
    “No problems
with the new specimens?” he asked.
the usual. We are keeping them sedated at the moment. How are you coming on the
acquisition of the bears?” she asked.
should have them within the next week,” he answered.
good. That will only leave us in need of the lions. Do you have a lead on where
we can acquire them?”
    “Yes, I
have found a Pride in Arizona. We will be heading there when we leave West
Virginia,” John said.
you’ve made progress on the serum?”
know I’m not at liberty to discuss the results of the tests in progress with
you, John,” Doctor Montrose said with a note of censure.
you know what I want to know, Elizabeth! Have there been any more accidents ?”
Montrose flushed bright red. Whether in anger or embarrassment it was
impossible to tell. “No, John. No more accidents.”
nodded. “I’ll be going then. I’ll be back in a few days with the bears.”
drove back to his camp deep in thought about what was to come.

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