Big Superhero Action

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Book: Big Superhero Action by Raymond Embrack Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raymond Embrack
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danger to the public?”
    “The NIH has confirmed that.”
    “The State Department sees Brutalia as a rogue entity run by the OSD.”
    “Completely false. The OSD is contained. Legal authority rules.”
    “How do you account for the paranormal activity occurring here?”
    “These are various forms of direct experience with God occurring. You see it in the rise of enhanced human abilities and medical and scientific innovation.”
    “Yet these effects only exist inside city limits. The Brutalia Limit. Why is that?”
    “That is one of the mysteries of this city. I would venture it is not a ‘limit’ as much as it is a defining perimeter. It exists to make clear this city is the source of these effects. The people in this city are the language God uses. This city has been chosen as God’s medium of direct communication to mankind.”
    “Why Brutalia?”
    “To be honest, it is a mystery. Why this city? It was put here to serve a purpose.”
    The city was vast. It spoke to you with the voice of God. It told you it had always been there. If as some said the city had appeared from out of nowhere it was a story as Biblical as the parting of the Red Sea.
    The city was vast yet it had no money, collected little revenue, the reason for his high tax measures. The population was undersized and shrinking for a city twice the size of New York. If you worked for the city you kept things from the public, like how somehow the water and power and gas seemingly ran themselves by unseen computer systems. You left out the men in blue suits who went around the city collecting people. They were not policemen. They were more like career counseling tour guides. Over time people appeared in the vast empty offices. They showed up like campers putting up tents.
    Thorne had been holding a morning prayer service at the foot of a downtown statue when the men in navy blue suits came for him. They surrounded him like a river of suits, flowed him toward the city hall building.
    That was how he had become mayor.
    It was too hallucinogenic an account to share publicly. He typed it into his private memoirs. It was too hallucinogenic for even him to believe. It was dreamlike, in the shape of parables. It was a sacred mania. Whatever it was, he had touched the Hand of God.
    “The city of Brutalia has a massive public relations problem.”
    “God and the city will prevail.”
    Brutalia had an imaginary industrial core. Factories stacked smoke like a 1940s industrial film. There were more jobs than people. Men in navy blue suits and their computers set up the city government. They installed people into offices. Then you didn’t see them again. The operations and their budgets drew themselves up and you followed them. The following year you could imitate the budgets and draw them up. Your brain filled with the capacity for details. God told you it had always been that way. You invested your faith in whatever God told you and it was so. Over time the people came to assert order. Now there was a city council and elections and mayoral races. Thorne always won and in Brutalia there were no term limits.
    “Does God speak to you directly?”
    “I’m not an evangelist. I don’t claim to speak to God like we’re speaking here. This is communication beyond the use of symbols. God makes Himself known. It is for us to understand Him. That said, this about God bringing us to God consciousness through direct experience. You don’t need me to tell you anything, you can see it for yourself.”
    “Some say the US government is somehow behind the paranormal activity in Brutalia. Some say the origins are extraterrestrial. What do you say to them?”
    “I say prove it. I say this city is where the guesswork ends.”
    “How do you see your future in politics?”
    This is where Thorne’s tight face shot delivered the segment closer, the cut just before the ticking watch: “This is larger than politics and today is the future.”
    There was no telling

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