Big Superhero Action

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Book: Big Superhero Action by Raymond Embrack Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raymond Embrack
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that God was directing Thorne to run the country. God had made him mayor of Brutalia to rise to the Presidency. With little effort he had gotten this far. All he had to do was follow the path made for him.

    O pening music: trip-hop remix of the ‘50s TV Superman theme.
    Dig it, my geeks. Welcome to
The Cape Report podcast. I am your host, Clark Kant. Sponsored by the Fleshball and Shroomtropic Labs. Show them some love, my geeks and buy their really good stuff. Your body will thank you.
    Next week I’m off to an unnamed east coast comics convention. In the real world live artifacts from Brutalia are hot, the geeks eat up anything to do with real superheroes, so I expect to make out large. Thank you Blue Boss. Thirty seconds of you tooling through Deltville last week: three digits.
    Plans continue to launch a new comics convention in Brutalia. The PR nightmare that is this city scares people but real geeks want it to happen. This city is a comics convention 365, Vegas for capes and geeks.
    Last week saw major action from AXIS. Martian Justice decimated the Motorchrists outlaw biker gang. Does “decimated” means totally wiped out everybody or every tenth of everybody? Whatever, the Motorchrists no longer exist except for the handful who missed out.
    On the OSD side it was also a busy week. Man Mafia 3 on video confessing to the Customizers serial killings. Eight homicides contracted by a wannabe serial killer now in maximum security. Mafia 3 was wiped out by the Blue Boss in a stealth operation that leveled half a city block.
    The Corpus continues his personal mission to heal the city. He continues to reject offers to join AXIS or the OSD. Last week he was seen in Alphaville performing curbside street surgery.
    In amateur news, a car door was torn off a car by the transgendered amateur team JKM and the Halo. That one was all JKM. The Halo isn’t yanking off any car doors. Holy fuck, Batman, with amateurs like these who needs the Tick?
    Name checking the more credible amateur October Revenge, who will be on this podcast in two weeks. Shout-out to another of the serious amateurs, the Human Human. It’s amateurs like these who close the gap between what exists here and what here exists.
    So let’s look at the big picture. Most people here who gain enhanced abilities never turn them into superpowers. Super powers as opposed to superpowers. They only become superpowers when they get a mask and a cape. Most people ignore their super powers and only use them in emergencies. Maybe they become better at their job. They avoid attention. Some get super religious, think they’re touched by God. Psychic people used it to play the NY Lottery. Today by law NY ticket vendors check driver’s licenses. Boring. The Cape Report is not about them. It’s about the archetype of the superhero.
    Before the existence of real superheroes the only superheroes that existed were in comic books. You had comic books and the people who imitate them. Amateurs are the self-made crackpot vigilantes who walk the streets in imitation of superheroes. Their number has exploded into a growth industry. They are all over the U.S. but Brutalia grows them like L.A. grows development deals. They rescue cats stuck in trees and buy doughnuts for the homeless. Some track the street drug trade on their beats; every blue moon the police find use for their information. Actual crime fighting they rarely get to attempt. There are amateur superheroes and there are the amateur supervillains who pick up dry cleaning for the OSD. We know where amateurs come from and it’s usually the Greyhound station.
    Only in comic books do you have the all-natural self-made superhero, the amateurs who with enough skill set and slick toys reach a level to cross over into real superhero. They pass the Batman test. But no such superhero exists or is possible. Me, I say it takes a superhero to become a superhero, therefore “Batman” began as an enhanced human. So there are

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