Open For Him (BBW / Billionaire Erotic Romance)

Read Online Open For Him (BBW / Billionaire Erotic Romance) by Karolyn James - Free Book Online

Book: Open For Him (BBW / Billionaire Erotic Romance) by Karolyn James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karolyn James
Tags: Romance
had to resist the thoughts.  She knew the peril of thinking too much into something that didn’t actually exist.  Her past dictated the problems with manifesting a reality that was only in her mind.
    So she turned her to painting, picking up where she left off the night before.  Time moved on, seemingly faster when painting, and when Macy realized it had been over three hours, her stomach told her she hadn’t eaten dinner yet.
    Macy joked with herself, saying that painting could maybe help her lose some of her extra curves.  If she painted and didn’t eat...
    She went back to work a little before nine and when her cell phone rang, she glanced at the small screen and saw it was Stacey.
    “Stacey?” Macy whispered.
    On a Friday night.  After sending Macy home early. 
    Maybe an order came in.
    Maybe Stacey needed a friend.
    Macy rolled her eyes.  She didn’t mind Stacey, but she liked the old Stacey better.  The college Stacey.  Not Stacey C.  Definitely not Stacey C.
    The screen went dark and Macy felt guilty for ignoring her boss. 
    But, oh well, right?  It was the weekend.
    The phone rang again and Macy couldn’t ignore it.
    “Stacey, are you okay?” Macy answered, not wasting any time.
    “Yeah, I’m fine.  Are you?”
    Macy looked at her current painting.  She felt her cheeks redden.  It was almost like doing something wrong. 
    “I’m fine,” Macy said.  “You called and called right back.  Wasn’t sure if...”
    “So you ignored me?” Stacey asked.
    “No, I didn’t... well...”
    “Relax, I’m joking.  What are you doing, right now?”
    Again, Macy looked at the painting.  “Uh, just hanging around. In my apartment.”
    “Good.  Stay there.”
    “Stay here?  Why?”
    “Mr. Billionaire Hunk came looking for you.”
    Macy’s heart jumped in her chest, like a swinging boulder.  “What?”
    “That’s right.  I heard someone knocking on the front door and they wouldn’t stop.  I yelled from my office we were closed but he wouldn’t stop.  When I saw him... well... who wouldn’t let him in, right?”
    Stacey giggled and it made Macy cringe.  She thought about Derreck and Stacey together, his strong body and her super skinny body... she hated the thought.  Macy knew her curves fit better with Derreck.
    “So what happened?” Macy asked.
    “He was asking about you.  I guess he expected you to find him or something.  Did you break plans with him, again?”
    “No, I swear...”
    “If you did, Macy, I’m going to smack you.  He’s so beautiful and sexy and...”
    “What else did he say?”
    “Well... he wanted to know where you were...”
    Macy gasped.
    “So... I told him.  I gave him your address.”
    “Are you serious?”
    “He’s sexy,” Stacey repeated.  “And you need him.”
    “I need him?”
    “Yes,” Stacey said.  “You do.  If a man like that wants to get into your apartment, and your pants, you let him.”
    Macy stammered, unsure whether to be mad at Stacey or giggle because Derreck wanted her.  “Is he on his way?”
    “He said he was.”
    “How long ago?”
    Macy figured maybe she had some time.  Maybe Derreck was planning something big and crazy, like making her go to that investors meeting.
    “Twenty minutes,” Stacey said.
    “Twenty minutes?!” Macy yelled.  “He... he could be here any min...”
    A knock at Macy’s door took her words and breath away.  She stared at the door and listened as Stacey said goodbye and hung up.  The knock came again and Macy stood from her stool.  Taking just one step towards the front door she realized that not only was she unprepared for Derreck Hagan to see her again, she was filthy.  Covered in paint.  Sweating.  And completely exposed.
    She felt better off naked, which, if she let Derreck Hagan into her apartment, there was a good chance she’d end up naked with him.
    The scars, she thought. 
    But Macy forced herself to walk to the door.
    By the time the knock came a third time, her

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