Bent (The Gifted Series)

Read Online Bent (The Gifted Series) by Elbie Sinclair - Free Book Online

Book: Bent (The Gifted Series) by Elbie Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elbie Sinclair
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                  “What?” This burst out of him, causing him to wince and giving her a start.
                  She gave him a curious glance before reluctantly replying, “It was nothing to the likes of what you’re enduring, but I took a graze to me arm.” She showed him a faint scar along the creamy skin of her inner left arm.  Then to his shocking dismay, she turned to her side and jerked one side of her yoga pants down.  Completely unabashed, she gave Carter an impressive view of a toned ass cheek as she spoke, “And one to me arse about six months ago.” 
                  Carter battled Mr. Dick, who wanted to rise and salute this woman’s perfect arse .  Not to mention the knowledge that the chic was commando under the thin cotton.  Annnd don’t think that the fact that she was braless under the tight white tank hadn’t gone unnoticed.  She might be a prisoner with no clothing options but he was a heterosexual male.  If there were darkened nipples to gawk at, he would shamelessly ogle. 
                  Her finger lightly trailed a discolored scar across her butt cheek. “Nothing but a faint remembrance, see? But you know as well as I that gifted have a knack for healing nicely—faster than the average bloke, too,” she added with a shrug. Modesty didn’t appear to be a consideration.
                  Chic’s got grit , Carter thought, and that was something he could appreciate.  He cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah.  One perk of being gifted.”
                  Jerking up her pants, she faced him and placed both hands on her slender hips.  Her fingers curled around her slightly protruding hip bones. 
                  Eyeing this, Carter chewed the final bite of the granola bar and regretted that he’d eaten the entire thing.  He should have only agreed if she’d eaten half.  She was too thin. Sure, she still carried a total sex-kitten vibe but could easily pack on five to ten pounds.
                  “So,” she sighed. “All that’s left of ya is yer southern regions.  How should we go about it?”
                  Carter grabbed the sheet and exposed one leg, allowing the sheet to bunch around Mr. Dick.  Although he could have easily cleaned his upper half, the constrictive bandaging prevented him from reaching the lower.
                  Starting on his upper thigh, she turned to him with a wicked smirk backed by a low snicker.  “Look, I know I’m not of yer liking, but no pulling a piss on the nursemaid.  Understood?”
                  He chuckled back. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I promise you my best behavior, and uh … I’d never piss on anyone.”
                  Unabashed laughter burst from her chest and Carter felt a stir from the D-man below.  Her voice had a raspy sing-song sound that admittedly lured him, but her laughter was deeper.  It screamed sexpot—such a contrast to her nymph-like appearance.  His off switch was flipping on and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it except deny, deny, deny.  “I suck at denial,” he mumbled.
                  “What was that?” she asked.
                  He shook his head. “Nothing.”  What a mess of a situation.  There was no way he could allow this attraction.  He needed to keep his head on straight and figure out an escape plan, not become bewitched by an imprisoned nymph with kick-ass gifted abilities and an admittedly kick-ass ass.  Maybe in another time or place ...
                  “Fair enough.” She nodded, pulling him back. “Oh, by the way,” she began, “my name’s Joss. And pulling a piss is like,”—she considered it for a moment— “ya know, pulling a fast one.”
                  Joss . He liked it and wondered if it was short for something but didn’t want to

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